This is a ridiculous argument. Ken has always been consistently strong on law and order. His arguments that it is was the poor and vulnerable that suffered the most from crime and they needed protection by the Police, use to infuriate the left. Now the right are making fools of themselves (and worse) over what should be a serious issue, by claiming he is soft on crime. Len’s comment on Boris was: -
Londoners will see through Boris Johnson’s hollow words on knife crime according to Labour’s leader on the London Assembly.
Assembly Member Len Duvall today told a meeting at City Hall that Johnson’s lack of understanding was down to his self-imposed six-month exile from London politics.
Len said, “To suggest that the Mayor is to blame for the recent spate of appalling teenage violence just goes to show how much Boris Johnson has got to learn.
“We have a Mayor who has invested heavily in the police after years of Tory cuts when crime went through roof. We now have dedicated neighbourhood and transport policing teams and more police on the beat. And the number of murders has actually fallen since 2000.
“The Mayor has also just committed nearly £80 million to youth provision in the capital. Maybe Boris was still in hiding when this was announced? I can think of no other reason why he would be completely ignorant of the investment in policing and youth services we have seen under this Mayor.”
Of course everyone knows how safe London is, not to mention all the policemen on the beat..what are you smoking? Do you even live in London?
Hi Anon
I do actually work and live in East London. There are still huge problems but there has a massive improvement in community safety due to Ken and the other Labour AM’s.
Where I work and live there is a dedicated safety neighbourhood team of regular Police and community support officers. They have transformed the wards.
It is a disgrace that this upper class twit makes cheap political points over such senseless deaths. Still the old nasty party then?
Wasnt Boris along with his fuhrer Cameron members of one Bullingdon dining club,at Oxford ?????
The Bullingdon modus operandi was to book a restaurant under a false name, smash it up, and throw large amounts of money at the upset owners
So come on Boris should know about crime and punishment
If you have the money you can always buy your way out of jail (or claim you have Alzheimer's
Its simply the Tory way
Smash the Toffs - Class War
Good stuff henri – once again not that sure about “class war” bit
I guess that would include Toffs like Blair then...who went to Fettes, and now takes huge payouts for part time jobs...and his mercenary wife who used her position to secure paid public speaking jobs. At least with Boris what you see is what you get...much better than the vile hypocrisy of the socialists who forget their "principles" and soon get their snouts in the trough. Prescott - "I forgot to pay my council tax" .. anyone for croquet? Dianne anti private school Abbott .Er.. except for my son. Peter..I was too busy to remember a 100K donation Hain..that blind bloke who along with Prescott was doing all the shagging. Great Party...lead by example I say! Time for Labour to start another war!
Hi Anon
You can call Blair many things but not sure that you can call him a “toff”? Fettes is not Eton either. Did you see Boris up against Ken on the telly the other night? In my totally impartial opinion, Ken made mincemeat out of him. Roll on May!
Politicians of all parties have their personal faults and all have their fair share of rogues. I don’t actually think you bringing up infidelity is exactly helpful for Boris.
However, as a Londoner I am more interested in the politics rather than who “shagged” who (except of course that I don’t want that upper class, clueless, bumbling, arrogant twit as my Mayor).
Upper class? I thought he won a scholarship to Eton? What's your definition of upper class?
Fettes is the Eton of the Scotland old chap.
What you see with Boris is what you get...with Blair etc it was all spin and lies.
Lies about weapons of mass destruction, lies about Dr.David Kelly, lies from Hain about his 100grand - they are mediocre, talentless sleaze balls!
Hi Anon
we have a meeting with Labour party trade unionists and Ken on the 21st. I take it you are not interested?
Its good that you believe crime is falling under Ken....I guess the 27 murdered teenagers in London last year are just a blip in the scheme of his otherwise excellent stewardship? Do you really believe half the B******s that you post?
Hi Anon
Thank you for your well argued and eloquent contribution. Yes, the murder rate in London is going down. However, as Ken has pointed out that thanks to the Tories, we have a “lost generation” out there of kid’s pre 1997 being born into poverty, deprived communities with poor schools, inadequate housing and health services. As well as increased resources for the Police and the justice system, Labour has poured money into tacking the source of criminal behaviour.
“Tough on Crime and Tough on the causes of crime”?
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