The London Mayoral elections are less than four months away. Ken versus Boris promises to be a fascinating and close contest, but the London Assembly elections are just as important – arguably, more so.
The reason is that the racist BNP stands a real chance of winning one (maybe even two) Assembly seats. This would be in the 11 seats that are elected London-wide (there are in addition 14 constituency seats which are elected on a First-Past-the-Post system).
To win a seat, the BNP needs to win 5% of the ‘London-wide’ votes (in the 2004 election it won 4.71% and issues such as immigration and militant Islamism are obviously higher on the agenda than they were then).
You may have heard about the BNP’s bitter internal feud which began just over a month ago. But the BNP heartland in East London has been little affected, in the judgment of Nick Lowles of Searchlight:
"However, the rebellion appears to have run its course in terms of personnel leaving as well as the regions affected. Virtually no-one from the North East, Wales, West Midlands, London, Eastern, South East or South West has joined the rebels and with Eddy Butler deciding to stick with the party leadership the all-important East London and Essex branches have been rebellion free. ...He must have been heartened by fact that no organiser or councillor in London has broken ranks and with the London Assembly elections being contested under PR he surely thinks that a strong showing here will silence his doubters. The 2009 European Elections, again contested under PR, will be another centrally run election and so the effects of depleted branch structures, such as in Yorkshire, will be negligible.
However, this strategy will stand or fall on whether Griffin can get people elected to the London Assembly and the European Parliament. With the exception of the Barking and Dagenham breakthrough, Griffin hasn't really delivered a great deal since 2001-2003 and that was more down to external factors than his own fantastic leadership."
If the BNP were to win a seat, it would represent another rung on the ladder of ‘respectability’ that they crave. First the Oxford Union, then the London Assembly….
John Cruddas (the Labour MP for Dagenham) is doing a great job fighting the BNP in East London. The best way to help him is to maximise the turnout on 1 May. The higher the vote, the lower will be the BNP’s share.
Please copy/paste this article and distribute it as widely as possible.
There are two ways to maximise the turnout. First, everyone who is registered should make sure they vote – in 2004 the turnout was only 37%. Second, everyone who is eligible should register. The deadline for this is 5pm on 16 April.
To be able to vote, you must live in London and be over 18 on 1 May.
Many people do not realise that EU and Commonwealth citizens can vote and it is in these categories that the potential for registration may be greatest. So please tell anyone in this category.
Here is a site which contains a form to register to vote.
Here are the member countries of the EU:
Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom
Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom
Many Bulgarians, Czechs, Hungarians, Poles, Romanians and Slovaks live in London. BNP policy is to favour native British workers over non-British ones. It is therefore in their interest to register and vote - for anyone except the BNP.
piss off
tut, tut... language Jeremy.
Why are you so paranoid about the BNP...its a legitimate party? What are your reasons?
Hi Anon
No, the BNP is not a “legitimate party”. It is a party that promotes violence, hate and division. Bigotry and intolerance. It is corrupt and corrupting. They are simply beyond the pale and no democratic party should have anything to do with them. It is ironically, an alien and foreign political ideology which is fundamentally “unBritish”. Our grandfathers shed their blood to rid Europe of fascism, 60 years later we have them parading on the streets of London claiming to be “patriots”.
Actually my grandfather fought for many things including free speech...what he didn't fight for was Labour's failed multi culturalism policies...
Anon, the BNP are not only abnormal racist thugs with no decent political agenda whatsoever, but let’s be clear. If they ever did have “power” there would be no such thing as “free speech
Nazi = death camps!
It is in the nature of the beast. By all means join the Tories and rant about stuff. But, don’t confuse legitimate concern about “multiculturalism” in our complex society with any endorsement of Nazism.
..and Communist = Gulag....but you have reported on attending ex communist dockers funerals etc...exactly what is the difference that makes one acceptable to you but not the other?
Hi Anon
It was actually a long serving union official who happened to be a life long communist.
However, there is actually in my view a real difference between communism and fascism. While there have been a number of unpleasant mass murderers and tyrants who have called themselves communists, the underlying political philosophy itself is very different than fascism. Communism may well be an economic failure and “pie in the sky” utopianism. But concepts such as fraternity, equality and liberty are very different from Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer .
In the same way take religion, if you look around the world and examine history, you could well come to the wrong conclusion that Religion = war and oppression.
I suppose you could equate the BNP with devil worship? Or is that just being a bit too harsh on poor old Lucifer?
Isn't it just a little ironic that your primary way of "defeating the BNP" is to try to get non-UK citizens onto the electoral roll. Labour's deceitful and shameful gerrymandering at its finest.
Hi anon
it's not deceitful - these people are entitled to vote. What is deceitful is that the BNP hides and denies its foreign, alien fascist and Nazi roots.
Remember this vile and disgusting ideology results in perverts killing children.
Labour's contender for London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, has physically embraced Yusuf al-Qaradawi who has endorsed suicide bombings, female mutilation and the murder of homosexuals. He also met with Sinn Fein leaders while the IRA were murdering Londoners. Why does your party support a man like this and yet call the BNP beyond the pale?
How can you claim to respect 'democracy' when your party has removed freedom of speech, seeks to police its citizen's emotions, and has denied former members of certain political parties the right the join the police force?
Jack Straw once described the English as having a 'propensity to violence'. Diane Abbott once used the expression "Two posh white boys" and has said "blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls" in her local hospital in West London were unsuitable as nurses because they "may never have met a black person before."
Aren't you supporting an extremist party?
While I don’t agree with everything that Ken or Diane have ever said or met or to be frank every single thing the last Labour government did (not that there is anything wrong with banning Nazi from our Police), they should not be even mentioned in the same breath as the vile, ignorant, bigoted racist haters who run the Hitler worshipping cult also known as the “BNP”.
Equally while you may not agree with Jack Straw’s rather daft comment (always quoted out of context of course) , do you think he is the type to run around some island chasing and slaughtering children in cold blood ‘cause he doesn’t like their Mums and Dads?
What is wrong with you people? By all means have a go at me, Labour, searchlight, UAF and this horrible awful world you live in but cut the religious bigotry crap and resubmit your comment.
How predictable - total censorship.
John, you use the word 'bigotry' a lot but you clearly have no idea what it means. I wrote nothing that was inaccurate or 'bigoted' whatsoever. I made a statement that any evolutionary scientist will agree with. I suppose I was guilty of stating a 'hate fact'.
Why does Labour ban every BNP member from joining the police but not religious people who say women, gays and atheists are inferior (and that includes many religions)? How is this not an infringement on the people's right that demands every party has an even chance?
Why do you call the BNP liars when Labour went to war over lies about WMDs? Why does Labour closely support extremely violent anti-democratic groups like UAF and criminal, communist outfits like Searchlight?
Do you think it's right for the government to police people's emotions with 'hate' laws? Why should a person risk prison for trying to tell me a 'hate' fact?
Was Churchill a fascist, bigoted, Nazi for wanting to 'keep Britain white'? Why did most of our grandfathers agree with Enoch Powell?
Show me the proof that a multiracial demographic has any causative, beneficial effect on society? What would a failing multiracial society look like?
Hmmm Roy “total censorship”? Err – I have published your nonsense and if you haven’t got the humanity to realise how profoundly unpleasant and plain nasty your comments are (never mind being bigoted) then there is little hope for you I’m afraid.
You even think that everyone else believes your own propaganda which is just plain stupid. I am a convinced atheist as was my father. However, he instilled in me respect for those with religious faith. Not for your doppelgangers - the ultra fundamentalists Christians and Muslims.
I think that being a member of the BNP is completely at odds with being a Police officer and should be banned. Actually Police officers should not be allowed to join any political party but especially not one that promotes and rejoices in racial hatred.
Churchill was born in 1874 to an upper class family at the height of Empire. He was a product of his time. While his views on a number of matters (sending troops to break up strikes) were frankly wrong – but he hatred fascists and Nazi’s.
Most of our Grandfathers did not agree with Powell either. Both of mine fought against the Nazi’s in the second world war.
Being someone of welsh/scots heritage who has lived in England for most of his life I do have proof that there is a successful(not perfect) multiracial society. It is called (I'll spell it out for you slowly) T-h-e U-n-i-t-e-d K-i-n-g-d-o-m
Nonsense, it was total censorship - you didn't post any of my comment, remember? And your excuse was a lie because scientific facts can't be 'bigoted'. Why don't you just admit that you were worried about physical retribution from those who might be offended by it?
I'm winning this debate and you know it. You sound a lot like a creationist nut being stirred up by an evolutionist.
How am I trying to fool people with 'propaganda'? If my 'propaganda' encourages fairer democracy, less censorship and the abolition of 'emotion' crimes then I'm proud of it. Are you saying that your party doesn't believe in those things? There was a real 'fascist' not so long ago who wanted Europe to be a single political entity, and so he politicised the police, abolished free speech, and invaded countries under the pretense that they were a military threat. Yes, it does sound a lot like Labour doesn't it.
You've avoided all my questions. I'll ask them yet again so that you can answer them like politicians are supposed to.
Q1: Why do you support violent, criminal, communist, anti-democratic mobs like Searchlight and UAF? Will you be supporting Labour's Ken Livingstone's bid for London Mayor knowing that he is chairman of UAF, supported Sinn Fein while the IRA was murdering Londoners, and recently embraced a homophobic supporter of suicide bombings?
Q2: Why is the T-h-e U-n-i-t-e-d K-i-n-g-d-o-m a successful multiracial society? What would it look like if it was a failed multiracial society? You surely can't be implying that the English/Scots/Welsh are different races in the same way that Chinese and Nigerians are? Even your own party doesn't believe that. What advantages do multiracial societies have over more homogenous ones? Can you answer these questions with reasoned arguments and evidence?
Q3: How is banning the BNP from the police not an attack on the people's democracy? Why should members of a religion that views women, gays and atheists as second class people be allowed to join the police force when the BNP can't? I'm not a religious bigot - I try to use reason and evidence. All the religions I've seen are daft, but I respect anyone's right to believe in them because I loathe the government policing its people's thoughts, such as with your Orwellian 'emotion control' laws.
"Most of our Grandfathers did not agree with Powell either. Both of mine fought against the Nazi’s in the second world war."
Q4: How does the singular example of your Grandads being anti-Nazi mean that Powell had minority support? What does one statement have to do with the other? 'Nazis' have nothing to do with this because Powell and Churchill weren't Nazis. You've embarrassed yourself with your mistake and you're trying to conceal it with some waffle about Churchill's background (which actually stinks of prejudice). The opinion polls clearly showed that most people in 1968 agreed with Powell. The British people did not want to be run by Nazis, but they did not want a multiracial country either. Your party betrayed them and continues to betray them by diluting their power with foreign voters.
Q5: Why do you support the policing of people's emotions with "Hate Speech"? If I want to be incited to 'Hate' how is it any of your business?
Tell you what, let's pretend that you've already responded to the above with lots of paranoid squeals about 'Nazis' and 'hate' in a long reply. Now that you've got that off your chest just respond to the questions. Fat chance.
Aneurin Bevan coined the phrase “Tell me your truth and I'll tell you mine.” I don’t expect to win or lose an argument with you. But for anyone else looking at this, I will put out the alternative argument. Which is one the overwhelming majority of the British population believes and supports. I assume that one day you will grow out of such views.
BTW I cannot “edit” comment on blogger - you either reject or allow the whole comment. As I said before I am fairly relaxed by attacks on me but I will not allow deliberately offensive (and plain nasty) attacks on religious beliefs. I really wonder what sort of la la world you live in that you think I would be physically attacked for allowing this to be published???
Since you appear to be deluded in thinking what you say is widely supported in the scientific community can I suggest that you cite references to support things you assert? (and I don’t mean the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”!)
I note that you compare the Labour Party with Nazi Germany. You seem to have forgotten 6 million dead Jews, 25 million dead soviets as well as nearly a million dead Brits and Commonwealth soldiers and civilians.
A1. I am proud to support Ken and Searchlight. I don’t think that everyone thing he has done was wise but he was an excellent Mayor and I hope he replaces Boris. I have nothing but respect for Searchlight. I’ve never had much to do with UAF but they appear to do a good job.
A2. Of course they are – Wales is the best example, different language, different faith, and different Arts and culture; different ethnic group (as defined in Equality legislation). What I find ironic is that in Wales like England we have a tiny minority of ultra nationalists (not plaid cymru) who hate and despise inferior, lazy “foreigners” who are ruining their country and should be sent home. Of course the “foreigners” these nationalist bigots hate are the English! A failed Multi-racial society would have been Germany in 1933-1945. The UK (warts and all) is living proof that multiculturalism works.
A3. The BNP are uniquely loathsome in every single aspect with no redeeming features. As I said before I don’t actually think the Police should be allowed to be a member of any political party. No one should be a Police officer either with the views you describe which would include many fundamentalist Christians.
A4. People have always had genuine concerns about immigration and continue to do so however, they have consistently voted en mass, time and time again for social democratic political parties that reject racism and hatred. I am very proud that they still do - and show every sign of always doing so.
A5. Not sure if this is question or statement but I don’t support policing of emotions (whatever that means?) You think what you like, none of my business - I support the policing of peoples actions.
Finally, isn’t it about time that you stopped being an anonomyous keyboard warrior and have the guts to admit who you are?
You must be out of your tiny, tiny mind to think that I would publish the racist filth you have sent.
You and me obviously live in different worlds. Your world of hate, betrayal, bigotry, thought control and seperation appears to me to be a pretty miserable existence. That is your choice.
Of course you do realise that you are wasting your life wallowing in sewer politics. The Great British public will never, ever, support your views.
BTW - I went to a Labour Party fund raising event last night and had a chat with Ken. Good decent bloke. I'll post on it soon.
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