Due to bickering over the use of the name “Respect” between George Galloway’s “Jamaati/ Respect” and John Rees “SWP/ Respect”, she has had to stand under no political label on the ballot paper (which is pretty apt for all strands of diss-respect)
I am not going to gloat too much since this by-election follows the conviction and disqualification of the Labour Councillor Miranda Grell for “falsely branding a Liberal Democrat rival a paedophile and telling electors he had sex with teenage boys.” Miranda, who still protests her innocence, has since resigned from the Labour party.
Campaigning journalist, Khevyn Limbajee, is the excellent and well respected (in the true sense of the word) Labour Party candidate. I’ll post details about local campaign activities as soon as I can.
Hat tip to Alan G.
Would this be the same Alan G that was treasurer of the "Justice for Leyton" campaign. He seemed to be very active with emails at the start but didn't seem to tell us what happened in the end.
Hi anon – Don’t know, will ask!
What did you think of the contestant Emily Parr who uttered the n****r word and was subsequently thrown off the show?
Hi Damien
serves her right.
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