Who do Trade Unions Represent? Part III

- How to revitalise trade union branches? I have posted in the past my concerns about branch democracy and representation. I did agree to to make a report. Apologies that this has taken so long. It is from a Local Government branch prospective. Thanks to all those who have contributed. Hopefully, this contribution will further the debate.
Branch democracy and organisation
1. Lack of attendance/participation by branch committee members, in-quorum branch committee/meetings/AGM’s and unrepresentative branch committees/affiliations/motions and delegations. UNISON not pulling its weight.
2. Branch officers/conveners/stewards re-elections uncontested.
3. Lack of branch officers/conveners/stewards/safety reps/distributors.
4. Inadequate facility agreement (especially for Branch officers and health & safety)
5. Poaching by other unions (& merger of T&G and Amicus?).
6. Density and retention of members?
7. Directorate consultative and safety committees not functioning.
8. Privatisation of services (fragmentation of employers and membership)
1. UNISON Good Branch Practice guide.
2. UNISON courses on branch development
3. Branch development plan
4. National UNISON currently reviewing branch structures?
Plan - In no particular order
1. Set up a Branch Executive made up of branch officers which meets monthly. We need strategic organisation and monitoring performance against a “beefed up” branch development plan. Review casework, recruitment, retention, campaigns, steward, health & safety reps organisation, training and socials. Reports to branch committee.
2. Revise Branch development plan.
3. Consider employing (apply to region for help with funding?) a part time/full time organiser (initially a fixed term contract?). Recruitment and representation of members in non-council employers.
4. There should be written branch standing orders for all committees. This must include a prescriptive and independent complaints procedure against breach of standing orders
5. There should be a higher quorum (committee, branch and AGM), that properly reflects membership. This is "chicken or egg". If we cannot get membership involved then business cannot (and should not) go ahead.
6. All candidates for any branch posts or positions should declare membership of political parties or affiliations.
7. Branch officers take individual responsibility for support and development of particular directorate’s joint consultative forums (which should be held monthly)
8. Branch Pensions officer (MNR) is elected and makes regular agenda reports to branch committee on investment committee/LGPS/SHP.
9. Move committee meetings to 4.30pm so as not to exclude members (part time Manuel) who have to work lunchtimes. Sandwiches, tea, coffee, fruit and mineral water supplied to branch meetings. We cannot expect hard pressed activists to give up breaks/meals to attend standard meetings. The cost is not unreasonable.
10. Branch committee meetings to last for a maximum 2 hours. Vote to carry on beyond 2 hours in “exceptional” circumstances only. Meetings can be too long, too unfocused and too boring. How can we encourage anyone to attend since they are usually so awful?
11. Hold 15 minute training event (legislation update etc?) during branch committee.
12. S/O restrict time that anyone can speak on a particular issue. 5 mins (MAX - reports) is more than enough 3 mins should be usual especially motions.
13. Motions must be submitted in advance (14 days?) and properly proposed and seconded (signatures) and circulated beforehand. Emergency motions must be “genuine” emergencies.
14. Relevant motions regarding core trade union issues only (pay, conditions, pensions, health & safety) to be discussed at end of branch meeting not in the beginning. Often vital branch officer and directorate reports are rushed and not properly considered (if at all)
15. Any “Political” motions would need a petition of at least 500 signatures to be then voted upon by a ballot of branch membership with minimum 25% quorum (via ERBS). Hold “husting” meeting to inform beforehand. The Branch Executive, to act as standing orders committee if there is a dispute with a right of appeal to Regional officer?
16. Word limit on motions (300?)
17. Members not allowed to sell newsletters during meetings and are requested not to sell them outside meetings as it puts people off from attending.
18. Contested elections and nominations of any branch officers or regional/national delegates must be by secret ballet (ERBS) of whole branch.
19. Contested nominations of internal directorate positions (Chair/secretary) by secret ballot at local directorate AGM.
20. Try to set up regular (3 monthly) borough trade union meetings with elected representatives which report backs to branch committee.
21. Consider nominal expenses allowance for stewards who regular (not always) attend directorate steward committees, branch committee, branch meetings, training e.g. £5 per month. Would help low paid stewards. Activists are reluctant to claim expenses. No one has to claim if they do not feel they have incurred the full expense.
22. Data base of representatives and mandatory training and development programme.
23. Branch secretary (with regional officer?) carries out regular 1-1’s of branch officers regarding case work. Conveners with local reps?
24. Publicity officer makes regular report on branch newsletter. Set up blog and branch web site. Set up email distribution lists of all members.
25. Renegotiate facility agreement.
26. Twice yearly branch social events (minimum target)
27. Annual recruiting day. Monthly recruiting activities led by branch secretary.
28. Set health & safety events (WMD and EH&SW)
29. AGM has key note non-divisive speaker
30. AGM has Lunch provided and UNISON affiliates (Thompson’s, Unity, Britannia etc) are invited/encouraged to attend
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