This is the sort of person who is the "leader" of the country currently detaining 15 British Sailors and Royal marines. "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has described the Holocaust as "a myth" Israel "must be wiped out from the map of the world." CNN. It seems that the present Iranian leadership, by carrying out such provocative action, are doing their very best to encourage a pre-emptive strike against their Nuclear facilities. I am not normally a fan of conspiracy theories but you could almost think that these people are in the pay of Israel or America? If they don’t release the Brit sailors/marines soon (or God forbid harm then) then the Neo Cons will enjoy “Christmas Come Early”.
Why are such people in responsible positions so thick? Whatever happened to my wise and gentle Iranian friend “Freddie” (Henry Price Building, Leeds University, 1981)
Why are such people in responsible positions so thick? Whatever happened to my wise and gentle Iranian friend “Freddie” (Henry Price Building, Leeds University, 1981)
Photo of Iranian missile (top right)
Oh dear. Any more blogs like this and you might be offered a job with the Sun. A little bit of perspective might be order here. Firstly, ought we to be in Iraq in the first place - I guess you will argue that we are there under a UN mandate? Secondly while you obviously don't support a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, you appear to think that the seizure of the British service people might somehow justify this. Thirdly, remember that the US is holding Iranian 'diplomats' in Iraq. Fourthly, the Iraq/Iran waterways are, according to recent TV reports, disputed and not subject to a treaty. Fifthly while Iranian nuclear facilities might appear to be fair game, the UK has decided to renew Trident in breach of its own obligations under the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.
I do not support Ahmadinejad nor the Iranian government, I don't want to see Iran or any other country acquire nuclear weapons, and I would like to see our servicemen released as soon as possible. But your comments appear to me to provide succour for the warmongers and I feel you would benefit from a slightly greater sense of political and historical perspective here.
I don't in any way justify the Iranian actions, but if you want to understand that there may be another point of view here, imagine if Iran had invaded France in defiance of the UN and was stopping shipping in the Channel - do you think that Britain might have something to say about it?
Many thanks for giving me the benefit of your political and historical perspective (and the career advice). Actually I am not sure what your point actually is? Yes, British sailors and marines were operating under a United Nations mandate when they were kidnapped by Iranian fascists. Yes, I do not support a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities (at the moment). Yes, I do consider the harm/murder (not the seizure necessarily itself) would justify appropriate direct military retaliation (hardly pre-emptive in these circumstances). Yes, American forces in Iraq are holding so-called Iranian “diplomats” (under dispute and Iranians elements are obviously involved in murdering British and American forces) Yes, there is a dispute over Iraq/Iran waterways (there is actually a treaty) however arbitrary kidnapping would not be allowed under international law, even if there had a mistake made about boarder (which plainly there has not been a mistake), Yes, Iranian nuclear facilities are “fair game”, I don’t know whether Trident is in breach of the NNPT (I doubt it – these treaties were notoriously vaguely written).
The key issue is what on earth are you suggesting is done about this situation? There is an almost complete failure of the “Left” over what to do with these new quasi-fascistic dysfunctional states. Since they are anti-American the “Left” oppose any meaningful action against them. What if the Iranians do harm the RN people? After all in 2004 they blindfolded the British captives, took them to a ditch and pretended to shoot them. After all they publicly hang children in Iran for being gay. After all they also publicly hang women who have been raped. So what do you suggest should be done with Ahmadinejad if he gets nuclear weapons and attacks Israel? ?
I am always concerned why people post comments without identify themselves. It is fun to try and guess the real identify. You write somewhat like Del “so what I’m a highly paid boss, I can still vote for the WRP if I want”? We should be told!
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