UNISON members win again in London Region Labour Link Elections announced today, 1 March 2007. Following the success in last month's UNISON Regional Council AGM, the "centre left" have again pretty much "swept the board".
In an election of all Greater London branches ,UNISON activists and Labour Party members Irene Stacey, Rachel Voller, Louise Couling, Theresa Debono, Alan Griffiths, John Gough, Bill Beeko and Ian Horrigan, Sam Selon and I were elected to Labour Link Regional committee.
Theresa, Irene, Louise, Sam, John (Gough), Bill and Ian were also elected to National Labour Link Forum, while Louise and I were elected as delegates to Labour Party conference.
All of us I am sure, congratulate the other successful candidates (Helen Martin, who was elected onto Regional committee and Pam Woods, who will be a Forum delegate). We will look forward to working with them and commiserations to those who were not elected.
Our elections statement stated "We believe that UNISON’s Labour Link payers’ views are best represented by those who place UNISON members’ interests first – above those of extreme political parties and factions. As active members of both UNISON and the Labour Party we are committed to improving communication between Labour Link members and those elected to represent them, making sure the voice of UNISON members is heard loud and clear."
I am certain that we all intend to live up to our mandate.
Hapus Dydd Dewi Sant (hope it was a Happy St Davids Day for you as well!)
Excellent news and congratulations to all concerned! Let's keep the Capitalists on the run!
Well-done John, I gave you a run for your money for LP conference though.
“As active members of both UNISON and the Labour Party we are committed to improving communication between Labour Link members and those elected to represent them, making sure the voice of UNISON members is heard loud and clear."
This has been promised before a do hope communication is improved. as a delegate from UNISON to my constituency General Committee I would welcome this, How about two or three meeting for GC delegates a year?
BTW I thought Pam Woods was also on your slate?
thought you might me intrested in this link.
Cheers for your commiserations John xx
See you soon.
Ps check out Andrews report on my blog :)
Thanks Andrew for your congratulations on our election results.
Interesting idea about a meeting of UNISON Labour Link delegates to GC's. This should be something we should consider for the long term. Maybe via TULO?
I think firstly, our priority must be to organise UNISON branch Labour Link (LL) officers. Make sure that there is a LL officer in each branch and that it is able to organise meetings with members. There is a problem, of course, that in some (repeat some) branches, Labour Link officers will be targeted and bullied by extremists and their meetings disrupted. This is not a dig at you personally, since while we do have our differences (BIG TIME on many, not all issues) I don't think you act in this way, unlike, it must be said, some of the "comrades" you choose to associate with.
Therefore, I think the regional Labour Link committee must act to further support branch LL officers. Perhaps, one way forward will be for committee members to attend branch meetings and "mentor" new branch LL officers? I will bring definitely bring this organisational issue up at Labour Link regional committee. Many thanks for your contribution (on this issue).
ps. I am still waiting for you to send me a copy minutes of the united left meeting that was held after this years London AGM. I will then be able to respond to your comments about Pam.
Hi, just seen your second comment and had a look at your post. Blimey Andrew, surely you and I must have been in different meetings?!? I must admit that I personally do not support Michael Meacher as Labour Leader, but he did seem to me to have the majority of the small minority at the forum who would even consider voting for either? Don't worry though, I will post a accurate account of the forum meeting ASAP.
Thanks Marshjane for your gracious comment! BTW, are you and Andrew planning to go and walk to the capital of Syria this year at all?
"We believe that UNISON’s Labour Link payers’ views are best represented by those who place UNISON members’ interests first – above those of extreme political parties and factions."
"We believe that UNISON’s Labour Link payers’ views are best represented by those who place UNISON members’ interests first – above those of extreme political parties and factions."
John I'd be interested in your opinion as to where the interests of Unison members lie now given Brown's recent pay award?
Should Unison's leadership articulate support for a leadership candidate that reflects the views and policies of Unison members?
Hi Eamon
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I have been a bit busy this weekend. I can guess where you are coming from. But actually I think the answer to your questions is really important.
Our job as trade unionists is to oppose Brown over the pay awards. That may involve industrial action. I hope that his advisors don't take it for granted that he will be sail thorough any election if they come up with stuff like this. Nothing is guaranteed in politics and a plausible alternative may emerge. However, let me make it clear, that it is (in my view) in the overwhelming "interest" of UNISON members that a Labour government continues to govern and is re-elected. The Tories are in the lead in opinion polls, not so much because of Labour failings (and there has been a few) but because the Tories have suddenly decided that they don't like being in permanent opposition and want to return to power. To do this they are trying to publicly ditch their old policies with a young, articulate leader and capture the centre ground. Sounds familiar? However, it is still clear from policy statements that they want to introduce insurance into the NHS, dismantle public sector pensions, end national pay bargaining, compulsory privatise all Council services, cap the minimum wage, get rid of pension credit etc etc.
To govern and get re-elected the Party has to have a leadership that can win. I'm not sure who to support and the decision will in the end come down to ordinary levy payers in a secret ballot. Squabbling no hope losers such as McDonnell or Meacher don't even come into this equation.
UNISON Labour Link elected lay officers must put the interests of members above extremists, because of this, we have real influence over the Labour Party. Influence in a Parliamentary democracy is different from control. Yes, we may have to support a candidate(s) who disagrees with some UNISON policies. But I would rather has a Prime Minister who shares a majority of the same aims and values as our members rather than suffer 18 years of Government headed by someone who shares none.
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