He also narrowly lost out (by only one vote!) a further nomination from Weavers branch.
The selection process has been dealt a upset by the unexpected and sudden withdrawal today by one of the other favourites, Anwara Ali. Anwara told me outside the Weavers meeting that as a scientist she had worked out that she would lose, so there was no point in going on for this election. She is a talented and capable candidate and everyone would wish her well in any future campaign.
Ayub and I are long time observers of Tower Hamlets politics, the selection process seems to be progressing remarkably smoothly without any "big rows" (see picture below of some of the 64 candidates and CLP officers). The atmosphere outside selection meetings has been, there I say quite "comradely". No doubt, now there will now be the most enormous "barney"! Today and tomorrow, it is Bow Wards turn to vote.
Just had a look at this "new" London UNISON blog. I’ve posted this comment. “Welcome to blogland Middle Union. It would be helpful if you could identify yourself and “go public”. I don’t see why you can’t? Not least because I will probably be accused by “comrades” of being the anon author of this blog as well!”
Good One John.
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