Friday, February 04, 2011

Forest Gate North Labour Party Ward AGM

Last night was my local Labour Party ward AGM in Durning Hall, E7.  It was the best attended ward meeting I have been to and a sign that the Party is growing and that members feel the need to become more active.  The outgoing secretary Cllr Ellie Robinson reported that we now had 85 members.  23 joined in 2010 and we have 16 young members (this figure thanks in part to the excellent work done by Ellie and the rest of Newham Young Labour). 

During Councillor reports we discussed the massive and "savage" cuts being forced upon Newham by this Tory led government.  There was a mature and measured discussion about the harm being done and how to protect Newham residents and staff as best we can against the coming onslaught.

I spoke about how we must unite to oppose this government and support our local campaign "Newham Together" and the TUC March in March against the Cuts, which will take place in London on Saturday 26th March.  We must make sure this will be a well attended and supported event.  But also follow up with helping Party colleagues outside London in the local elections in May.  This year there are no elections in London so we can go out and help Labour Candidates elsewhere.  If we inflict "savage" defeats on local Tories and Lib Dem Councils this will make their local MPs take stock and think about changing their national policies.  We have been given a Tory council to target and have set provisional campaigning dates. 

I doubt that the ConDems will call an election before 2015 since turkeys would not vote for Christmas but I do believe if we campaign properly we can inflict defeats on the government and we may even help bring about a general election early.

Reacting to the Cuts will be really difficult but the Labour Movement family cannot afford to argue and bicker amongst ourselves since this will only benefit the real enemy.

New blood put themselves forward for a number of ward and Party positions.  I was very pleased that Tahmina is now our new secretary. 

Cllr Paul Brickell spoke and led a Q&A about the Olympics development and legacy plans which was well received.  In comparison to the sometimes ill-informed and blatantly untruthful, malicious twaddle we have come across lately.  

Future ward events planned include a tour of the Olympic Park and a Joint Forest Gate Labour Supporters meeting in March with Sir Robin Wales.  Our local MP Lyn Brown and London Assembly member John Biggs have also been invited to attend and speak.

Onwards and forwards.

(this picture from 1905 will be familiar to anyone who has lived in Forest Gate - hat tip Newham Stories)


Anonymous said...

85 members out of an electorate of 10,000? Wow

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

Don't be such a misery. It's not a bad start and many times more than the nearest mainstream rivals and when you compare to the various Heinz 57 crank sects with their telephone box membership it is positively huge.

Onwards and forwards


gee said...

do something about the old spotted dog

John Gray said...

will if I can Superchick

gee said...

you need to sort out the all parties
plus the corruption at the ground

gee said...

are you gonna
join the supporters club of clapton fc , its only a fiver

John Gray said...

Hi Superchick

Not sure what you mean?

Probably but need info on it.

Unknown said...

Hello John
Just found this after a web search on the Friends of Clapton FC. I am very happy to send you more information. You may also wish to speak with Gordon McKinnon-Miller who is fully appraised of the situation at Clapton.
Andrew Barr
Friends of Clapton FC

John Gray said...

thanks Andrew - I will definitely speak to Gordon about this