The controversial Andy Stern, head of the 2 million strong SEIU, seems far more bolshie than heads of Brit unions. But looking at their demands it seems that having no real equivalent of the NHS, they have much, much more to complain about in the first place.
This may be a little unfair, but checking out their sites and blog, SEIU seem to be more anti-McCain than pro Barack Obama?
Shame about the split with AFL-CIO. Hopefully they will sort that out in the near future.
Good luck anyway with both fights!
Hat-tip to Col. Roi.
SEIU big backers of Obama
yes Stern was wrong to split from AFL CIO
we can still learn a lot from SEIU espeially about profile and community politics...However, not all is transferable as the TGWU found out
Glad to hear Brown saying there'd be no similar bailout here. let's hope he'll keep his word.
No subsidy without equity!
Hi Charlie
Instead of state equity he should enable active goverance of Banks etc. by their true owners. Us!
nationalise the banks
third world debt cannot be written off because no would learn the lessons
bankers in debt, possible lose of bonuses
the state should help out
were all public sector workers now
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