Combat 18 use to provide the body guards for BNP leaders such as Griffin before they fell out with him. It finally disintegrated after years of violence when they split over money and ended up fighting and even killing each other.
I was astonished to read in this months Searchlight (page 7) that two of the notorious fascists mentioned in the book, “crazed long time Nazi and Satanist David Myatt” converted to an extreme form of Islam, while former BNP member and the nail bomber who killed 3 people in London, David Copeland, “had sought a extreme form of Islam” while in prison.
The article mentioned another former BNP member, Stephen Jones, who is also serving life for murder who has converted to an extreme Islam sect which threatened to have the moderate prison Imam killed.
Interestingly to speculate why they turn to Islamic extremism?
I read it when it first came out as I have always been curious about Combat 18 since the World In Action documentaries scared me half to death all those years ago.
God knows why Myatt, Copeland and Jones have ended up as Islamic fundamentalists. What makes my blood boil is that Griffin and co have the cheek to jump on the Muslim-bashing bandwagon - when in the eighties they were talking up Louis Farrakhan and Colonel Gaddafi!
They join because it's a cult ask one or tow of these morns to tie an bomb to them and kill themselves they run a mile, ask them to tie a bomb to somebody else they use reef knots.
But today again we hear a judge say yes to Muslim law in this country, boy we work right into the hands of the BNP. Shira law is not going to work here even if it is to look at women as human
desperate John, really desperate. Liebour are finished.Desperate.1 reckless from despair.2extremely dangerous or serious(a desperate situation)b staking all on a small chance(a desperate remedy)3 very bad4 needing or desiring very much.
Truth anon, really true. 1. The thing that corresponds to fact or reality 2. Corresponds to fact or reality 3. True statement 4. Obvious fact
Yes it is the truth.labour and the left are desperate,you haven't said much about the local elections.
The book is like the Liebour Party, out of date.
Hi Anon 1
Actually, although I was disappointed that Labour did not win in Chadwell Heath, the BNP was knocked into 3rd place and I know that this has been seen as a bit of a blow, if they couldn’t win that seat with all the momentum after Henley and the GLA - then when can they win!
Yes, it doesn't mention all the BNP defections to Islam!
Redwatch for you John!
Oh well “freelance redwatch”, – it’s actually good to know that you Nazi’s, Islamic fascists, diss-respect bigots, SWP and the rest of the “Heinz 57” trot comrades hate me in such an equal opportunities manner!
your a bunch of leftie scum bags hope u go and fucking die COMBAT 18 IS NOT DEAD AND NEVER WILL BE we are just resting the Terror mechine will be back
Combat 18 is indeed alive and well. Can't say that 'just resting' is an apt description of things, but to each their own. Some cells may have needed a nap. It happens. Never personally understood the BNP-Islamic crossovers, as it makes little sense, but who am I to judge, eh? Looking forward to reading the book though, and thank you kindly for the publicity, even if same is mostly negative. Truth is, it reminds folks that we are still here. Best Regards!
The reason for them turning muslim is simple...
They get an easier ride from the authorities and still get to hate homo's and jews!
Is the correct answer.
I prefer the reason that if you are a racist bigot, then you find it easy to be a fundamental religious bigot.
It's all just about bigotry and ugly prejudice. Simple really.
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