The author slags off the SWP, Socialist Party and Respect (quite rightly of course) for their internal repression of dissidents. Quoting Marx and Lenin to bolster the case. The author accuses them of being “Stalinists” not true “Trotskyites” which will no doubt go down very badly (with Stalinists).
Some other highlights:-
This is a “left” so confused that it let itself be led into a popular front with Islamist clerical fascists, with the tainted mercenary George Galloway as one of its chief tribunes!
narrow, persecuting, heresy hunting religious sect
Marx says - like everyone who maintains he has a panacea for the sufferings of the masses in his pocket... gave his agitation from the outset a religious and sectarian character. Every sect is in fact religious...
They do not follow Lenin’s ideas, but at best those foisted on the Communist Parties by Zinoviev and then Stalin in the 1920s.
the groups not only control or stifle elements of such an approach within their own ranks, but also cultivate and foment extreme hostility and hatred
they teach them dogmas, mythical histories and fictitious political genealogies about themselves.
The pseudo-”Leninist” sect regime is immensely wasteful. It works to create splits out of every dispute
The real joke is of course that the author of this post has obviously no idea whatsoever, that their views come over as nasty, as sectarian and as malevolent as anything the Galloway, SPEW and the SWP have ever put out. Which is surprising, since apart from one idiot I have come across, the WL members overall have usually been quite thoughtful and constructive?
Obviously, it goes without saying that they are all absolutely bonkers! (in my view of course)
Hi John,
I think one of the interesting things here is the hard left's approach to internal dissidents. They are absolutely ruthless. Which is interesting when they all start braying about UNISON conducting a witch hunt!
Of course there's no bloody witch hunt - the people up on disciplinaries get their cases heard by their peers, people elected by the members that the hard left seem to claim only they really represent!
Anyway, I see there's a meeting on tonight about 'is there a witch hunt in UNISON' and some publicisers of the event - Mr.Rogers and his ever-loving sidekick Marsha Jane Thompson - are using the formula 'come along and find out for yourself'. Which is so duplicitous it beggars belief. The only speakers from UNISON are those who claim to have been witch-hunted, and a sympathetic NEC member. And of course they know that anyone who might put a different view will be intimidated from attending by such a biased set-up. They also know that for any of the 'live' cases, any sensible trade unionist will know it does no-one any good to be discussing confidential matters in such forums.
No doubt they will also be wheeling out the findings of the trade union commissioner about a few matters - an 'organ of the state' role that they vehemently opposed in times past and yet now seek sanctuary in his arms!
As a model of a show trial it is impeccable. I think I can already guess the answer they are going to come up with.
best to you and yours
Phew thank god I left.
just how many people were on strike in Islington ??????
local paper says less than 200 can this be true ????!!!!
I hear nobody ...just a handful of Trots on picket line
did Bromley get over 200 ...I hear not
turning us into a laughing stock
What's ironic John, is that your use of the term "bonkers" is offensive to those with mental ill-health...
Not sure what anons agenda is in undermining and belittling strike action in two specific boroughs. After all I thought it was a national strike? In any case quite what it has to do with the mechanisations of various leftist groups is beyond me since to go on strike we need the members to vote yes (which they did)
You quote to lefty branches that didnnt have a high turnout (which I dispute islingon had a good turnouty why not look at the right wing branches whose bbranch officers scabbed!! Yes that's right branch officers!
Let's look at some other lefty branches - greenwich hugely succesful towerhamlets - again very successful - 90% of the time you will not find that its the left led branches letting people down.
Hi john, not sure what anon is talking about scabs are scabs. in june a lefty union member become a manager left the union and crossed the picket line. left of right it's not the time lets all win the fight.yes new labour is letting us down but it's still better than a Tory government. Sean was right it was national strike. PS i think I've seen Cameron's bike in Whitehall it was leaning to the right and in the middle of the road heading towards oxford.only joking David, i think it was tebbit who nicked it. all the best Paul.
Apologies for the delay in responding – computer problems
Hi Andrew (not sure which one)
I couldn’t possibly comment on such internal union issues.
Hi Anon2
I must agree with Sean that I’m not sure what your point is?
Hi Charlie
“bonkers” in the Office Word dictionary is defined as “An offensive term meaning irrational”. Which actually is exactly what I meant?
Hi Paul
Your reply to anon3 is spot on!
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