I arrived at Brighton for the UNISON National Delegate Conference on Monday evening. I gather that the usual suspects have acted appallingly during the UNISON Local Government conference (that took place immediately before the Start of National Conference) over pensions and pay.
They attacked UNISON, its elected lay members and national officers, despite the clear mandate given by the Special Local Government conference. Obviously there are delegates who genuinely think the Union made mistakes during the campaign (and no doubt mistakes were made – can't think of many) however, I think that certain people are still chasing strikes and feel cheated of their “big moment”. I really find it difficult to understand why the LGPS result is not seen as being anything but a huge victory. Just look at the Tories and the CBI take on it. Last week the Tories laid yet another amendment in the Lords, calling for a “review” (i.e. lets dismantle) of our pensions. Public sector final salary pensions are safe under Labour and we must work to make sure that this remains so.
There was a rather ill-tempered London Regional delegation meeting in the evening. About 100 delegates in the Holiday Inn hotel. The microphones did not not work since they were broadcasting into other meeting rooms. While some delegates brought up serious points and concerns, I felt that others just to want to disrupt and “grandstand” whenever possible. Don’t think that most delegates and visitors were too impressed.
Labour Link disco was as usual stunning and extremely well attended. The quality of the dancing was I’m sure very good, but perhaps it was an acquired taste?
Conference started on Tuesday, the hall was full but only 1600 odd delegates registered this year? Huge row at the start when the Chair of BME members committee complained about “racist stereotypical literature” being handed out by certain branches, slandering the UNISON (elected) Standing Orders Committee (see previous post) and its Chair in particular. I have seen the flyer, but can’t say anything since there is an internal discipline investigation.
Dave Prentis, our elected General Secretary, gave his keynote speech. He laid into certain delegates for undermining and attacking the Union on the “instructions of their central committee”. I have never seen Dave so angry. This was I think a direct reference to the SWP central committee who it would appear, he believes, instruct their UNISON delegate members on what to say and how to vote. Even though it is against the interests of the Union. (I couldn't possibly comment). He also made it clear that Labour Party would not win a 4th term in power unless they change key policies such as PFI and Council housing.
On the whole there was some good debates and arguments. However, I wish that speakers would actually stick to the motion being debated. Too many speakers just used their 3 minutes of glory on the speaking platform to bang on about their own (or central committees?) political hobby horses (lets attack Labour) and not talk about the important issues actually being debated.
Hopefully I'll be able to post something else tomorrow. (Picture below is of UNISON members supporting Wateraid.org.uk in UNIZONE).
Good for Dave. In Manchester there is one branch which is SWP controlled and as far as I cn see does nothing to represent its members. Like it submitted a motion which was just mad.
Dave has led UNISON really well.
The thing that made me laugh the most at the LG Conf was the sight of one of your fellow bloggers who professes knowledge of the Rule Book urging conference to break the union's rules by allowing on to the agenda an Emergency Motion form a body that was specifically precluded by rule from submitting one!
Seems the Rule Book is only to be obeyed when it suits certain people. I've left a comment on his blog and it will be interesting to see if he makes it public.
Anonymous Bosch
John -love the bit in your report about delegates being told what to say and how to vote. Its not just the SWP that does that -seems to me we have a London Regional Secretary who does the same? After all -so very many of the nominees for the Regional Council AGM had exactly the same election addresses and then we have the Perks Friendly NEC nominees who obviously used standard paragraph codes -wonder who supplied those? -on their election addresses and left the code numbers on them? I don't approve of tactics like that -whether they come from the left or the right. Both stifle genuine democracy and alienate members.
well in regard to Anonymous Bosch and rule books -we appear to have paid senior officials in London who are quite happy to ignore the rule book and regional rules when it suits them.
John -love the bit in your report about delegates being told what to say and how to vote. Its not just the SWP that does that -seems to me we have a London Regional Secretary who does the same? After all -so very many of the nominees for the Regional Council AGM had exactly the same election addresses and then we have the Perks Friendly NEC nominees who obviously used standard paragraph codes -wonder who supplied those? -on their election addresses and left the code numbers on them? I don't approve of tactics like that -whether they come from the left or the right. Both stifle genuine democracy and alienate members.
21 June 2007 16:09
Hi Anon mousers 21 June – the SWP central committee is made largely made up of non-unison members (or expelled ones) who have “allegedly” (true) decided in order to further “The Revolution” or other such nonsense, instructed SWP delegates to attack the union and its officers at conference.
This is a world away from lay UNISON centre left supporters in London, who have decided “enough is enough” and that we must organise to bring back London to its senses. Which we have pretty much done. We organised a slate and wrote a common manifesto. Nothing wrong with that?
It is a shame that you are trying to make your self “holier than thou” when you choose to hide behind your anonymity in order to make unsubstantiated attacks against the union’s officers, in exactly the same way as the SWP. By all means have a go at me but not against officers of the union who are unable to respond publicly.
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