UNISON Labour Link National Committee have voted unanimously to make a supporting nomination for Gordon Brown as Leader.
Alan Johnson was nominated as Deputy Leader (Peter Hain to have 2nd preference).
This is a recommendation (all levy payers will have a postal vote). Will post some thoughts later.
Excellent news for UNISON and the Labour Party.
And who the bloodly hell made this decision.
This actually unites me and the hard left of our Union
How were people appointed to the committee making this decision?
This brings the Labour Link into disrepute
Hi Anon (whoever you are)
Please note that the decision was taken by the democratically elected lay representatives of UNISON Labour Link from across the country and all service groups (I think also the self organised groups?). The elected London region representatives (for one) widely consulted Labour Link members on this decision.
I think you have to face facts, that despite what you think this about decision, it actually reflects what ordinary UNISON Labour Party supporters think and want.
How on earth can this decision put Labour Link in disrepute?
the Committee consists of 12 NEC members and 11 directly elected members - there is no representation of the service groups or self-organised groups
speaking as an NEC member and a Branch Labour Link Officer in the Greater London Region I certainly know that no one consulted me about this silly decision - nor was any member of my branch (in the only London Borough where Labour fought off the Liberal Democrats with success at the last elections) consulted
as a lifelong Labour Party member and UNISON activist I really don't agree that this decision reflects our members wishes
it was one thing for our Union to fail to back a "hard left" challenge which they might have thought would marginalise us
it is something else to pointlessly suck up to the fag end of New Labour - and it will give those of us who have consistently supported UNISON's link with the Labour Party still more trouble
Unless perhaps Gordon and Alan are going to lift the public sector pay freeze, allow the fourth option for Council housing, end privatisation in the NHS, cancel Trident replacement and stop the development of nuclear power stations?
John, they just don't understand democracy. If it goes their way its a victory for socialism, if it doesn't it's a conspiracy denying ordinary people a say. It's a bit like that anti-war demo where a million people took to the street. An impressive number, but nowhere near the numbers of registered voters even. They can't even explain how Blair won the election after that march. Even when they try to explain it they can only do so by saying the 'ordinary' people they lionise were hoodwinked. They just don't get that they don't have the support they believe they do. It's understandable as otherwise what would be the point of their daily 'struggle'? How would their fragile psyches survive the collapse of their world-view? It's not as if they are artists who can justify their obsessions, their skewed perceptions, or their 'apartness' with works that capture human feeling or seek to reflect our everyday lives. How pitiful these sad and lonely characters are.
What a terrible result. Unison has backed an extremely successful Chancellor who commands international respect as leader, and a former union general secretary as deputy leader. Disaster!
Sorry about the delay in replying Jon and thanks for the correction over the National Labour Link composition. However, I think that you are wrong over your view on consultation and need to reconsider your remarks. You have stood for various London regional Labour Link positions during the last few years and lost (no shame in that). Our regional rep consulted the elected regional Labour Link committee members she could get hold of before voting. I think that it is about time that you and the others on Labour “hard left” have got to accept that you have been beaten (for now – I think permanently but I accept nobody can predict the future) . In a couple of years or so (or less) we will face a general election. None of us wants the Tories to win (ask our Hammersmith and Fulham members about life under the Tories) Constantly “going on” about Brown being the Enemy etc is going to even further marginalise you. Also, it is about time that UNISON Labour left pulled out of the “United Left” and stopped working with open enemies and opponents of Labour such as the SWP.
As someone who is still trying to fathom out what the labour link is - flesh,fish foul or just a weird red herring -I find it odd, as an APF and Labour party member in London, that I have no idea who the London rep is. How do we know what is done if our national rep can't apparently be bothered to report back in an accountable manner? Or if LL branch officers are not consulted or informed. Smells like the red herring is going off!
We have a web site -why can't something be posted on that? It seems to me to be a very remote, opaque and unaccountable body. Why can't there be some transparency about decisions made by this shadowy comittee?
John - I know from your blog how passionate you are about Labour and LLink and democracy -what do you think about this apparent inability of LL regioanlly to consult, inform and be accountable?
Hi anon
Firstly, apologies for the delay in replying. You have commented elsewhere that this delay is “out of order”. My only excuse is that I have been a bit busy lately. Must try harder and all that.
Every UNISON branch should have a “Labour Link” (just to confuse you also known as the Applied Political Fund or APF) officer. Elected at the branch AGM by Labour Link members. Each year the Labour Link regional committee is elected by postal ballot of all branches Labour Link officers. Which also elects all Labour Link forum and party conference delegates. The elected members of the NEC also nominate delegates to the national committee. I need to check how regional delegates to national committee are elected? I think it is by Labour Link branches.
All branches are fully informed about Labour Link elections and results; however I must admit that this information is often not passed on, so I can understand why you may feel aggrieved.
However, to answer what I think is your main point, the London Region labour Link representative did consult with the elected regional Labour Link committee members she was able to contact even thought she was elected in her own right and could exercise her own mandate.
I am personally in favour of direct democracy with our members and would be personally in favour of “all member” secret ballot “elections” and votes on regional motions. However, there is enormous opposition from the Ultra left over such ideas. They prefer branch delegates to be nominated by unrepresentative branch committees rather than directly by the membership. You are quite right – this must change.
BTW - what don't you say who you are?
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