Excuse the probably sexist pun – Tonight there was the second event organised by West Ham CLP (sponsored by London UNISON Labour Link) in Stratford to meet Deputy Leadership candidates. Last Wednesday we had Hilary, Jon and Harriet. Tonight it was the turn of Alan, Peter and Hazel. First picture is of Hazel with local MP Lyn Brown MP and Rushanara Ali, the new Labour Prospective Parliamentary candidate for Bethnal Green & Bow (to take on Galloway’s) Again, I was acting as a steward (and self appointed CLP photographer), so I only picked up bits and pieces.
Each candidate had 10 minutes followed by a Q&A. Peter was “proud” to have sent his children to a comprehensive in the middle of a South London Council estate. He spoke about his background in the anti apartheid movement and his recent work promoting peace in Northern Ireland. He pointed out that all the candidates had voted in favour of the War in Iraq.
Alan, the only candidate to have left school at 15, he said that the Labour Party was only able achieve things (minimum wage) since it had stopped being losers and started wining general elections. He wanted the 21 century to be one dominated by the progressive left, not as was the case in the 20 century, the regressive right. Controversially, in response to a question, he was the only candidate to indicate that we should consider some type of “amnesty” for illegal migrants while the others were opposed. He recognised that there were difficulties (encouraging further illegal immigration etc) but he thought it was a trade union principle. Peter thought if we adopted this we could lose an election on this point alone.
Hazel started off by saying this is the first hustings she had been to that she had been given a “lollypop” (courtesy of UNISON). Her main thrust was she wanted to be an organising and campaigning deputy leader. Labour will only win the next election through “discipline, unity and loyalty”. If Cameron and the Tories win they will cut through vulnerable people like a knife through butter. She was firmly in favour of Academies which she said had transformed a school in one of the toughest wards in her constituency.
I did note that all the candidates supported (to a lesser or greater degree) Councils being allowed to build social housing. Alan was probably the most enthusiastic. They all stressed their trade union backgrounds. They left at 9.15pm to rush to the “Newsnight” Deputy Leadership live debate. We then had a raffle (tickets picked by Rushanara). After packing and clearing up we then ended up in the pub “The Goose” in Stratford.
Each candidate had 10 minutes followed by a Q&A. Peter was “proud” to have sent his children to a comprehensive in the middle of a South London Council estate. He spoke about his background in the anti apartheid movement and his recent work promoting peace in Northern Ireland. He pointed out that all the candidates had voted in favour of the War in Iraq.
Alan, the only candidate to have left school at 15, he said that the Labour Party was only able achieve things (minimum wage) since it had stopped being losers and started wining general elections. He wanted the 21 century to be one dominated by the progressive left, not as was the case in the 20 century, the regressive right. Controversially, in response to a question, he was the only candidate to indicate that we should consider some type of “amnesty” for illegal migrants while the others were opposed. He recognised that there were difficulties (encouraging further illegal immigration etc) but he thought it was a trade union principle. Peter thought if we adopted this we could lose an election on this point alone.
Hazel started off by saying this is the first hustings she had been to that she had been given a “lollypop” (courtesy of UNISON). Her main thrust was she wanted to be an organising and campaigning deputy leader. Labour will only win the next election through “discipline, unity and loyalty”. If Cameron and the Tories win they will cut through vulnerable people like a knife through butter. She was firmly in favour of Academies which she said had transformed a school in one of the toughest wards in her constituency.
I did note that all the candidates supported (to a lesser or greater degree) Councils being allowed to build social housing. Alan was probably the most enthusiastic. They all stressed their trade union backgrounds. They left at 9.15pm to rush to the “Newsnight” Deputy Leadership live debate. We then had a raffle (tickets picked by Rushanara). After packing and clearing up we then ended up in the pub “The Goose” in Stratford.
Having sat through both sets of hustings (and won some Labour Party mugs and some nice mint imperials for my time) I don't necessarily agree with the analysis in the two postings.
So, here are my thoughts, whether you want them or not. In no order at all:
Hazel Blears. Who would have thought that the picture on her leaflet reflects her true size?
OK enough about her height already. Hardly a giant myself, I need to stand up (!) for Little Labour. Hazel performed well - and in particular seemed to develop a fan club from the women at the front of the hustings. She also passes the "Battlebus test" (can she go around the country and motivate the troops come general election). Bonus: if she got elected, we could even save money and use a minibus instead.
AJ: the man. I've seen him speak before, and was previously unimpressed. Well, last night he was on top form. He didn't do himself any harm on Newsnight later in the evening either. I do worry alot about men in grey suits though.
Peter Hain. I don't think that he did himself any justice last night. What should be a great story sounded slightly tired - maybe the campaign fatigue. Whilst I have no doubt that he could do policy side of the job well, I am not persuaded on last night's performace that he passes the Battlebus Test.
Jon Cruddas. Passes the battlebus test. Interestling analysis of what the problems are. Best campaign for deputy leader by a country mile. But but but...a bit weak on policy. Some say he has undergone a sudden and dramatic interest in things left wing. And would Gordon let him do what he wants to do? I don't think so. But Gordon should make him Party Chair if he doesn't win.
Harriet Harman. Surpassed my expectations. She'll be in the mix based on her performance last night.
Hilary. High expectations not met, I'm afraid. Hugely passionate about international development, he seems less certain on domestic issues. Nevertheless, not a bad performace, just one that didn't get my heart racing. Does however, pass the Battlebus Test. It really is spooky how much he looks like his dad isn't it? Tony must be very proud to have such a talented lad.
1. Actually all of the could probably do the job. Compare that to the Tory front bench, and it shows how much talent we have (and/or how little they have).
2. It's surprising how important public speaking is. It's a trick really, just like rolling your tongue, or juggling. Perhaps we should have given them all a load of balls to juggle for ten minutes and see what the result was. At least it would show how game they are.
3. It's nice to see Ministers (and Jon) in a Labour Party setting. Hazel made the point that the Swedish Labour Party (I think?) ensures that all ministers "give" 14 days a year to the Party, ensuring that stay in touch with the grassroots. All the candidate said that housing had surprised them as an issue; it was notable haow little Iraq featured in questions by comparison. I've long argued that party development is crucial and ministers don't do nearly enough of it. Richmond Park had over a thousand members in 1997, but almost no attention from the Party, as it had no MP and no Cllrs (Hon. mention to Richard Evans MEP who does visit them). So, whover gets elected DON'T BE STRANGERS TO THE LABOUR PARTY PLEASE.
4. Three candidates stand out for me: Johnson, Blears, Harman. Maybe it's time for a woman Deputy Leader - it's been a while.
Missed the hustings but watched them on Newsnight. It seems that a clear left (er) position is being taken Harman and Cruddas. Sensed that Harman and, less so Blears, , recognise that Cruddas will do well and are after his 2nd peference votes.After being critical of Harman thought she was very good, although Jon won. Felt that Benn bombed.
thanks James and Richard - UNISON National labour Link committee decide tomrorow at 11.30 on DL line. See you also tomorrow at West Ham "all members" meeting.
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