Tuesday, June 13, 2023

UNISON National Delegate Conference 2023: Tuesday - Day 1


This morning I went for a early morning run (aka slow jog) west of the Mersey then was in the Conference centre for the first day of National Delegate Conference, as one of the two London regional delegates with Yvonne Green.

There was a bit of confusion with where our delegates had to sit since one row of seats had been double booked with East Midland region so we had to move everyone back one row which caused some confusion and upset but was taken in general in good grace. These things happen. 

We had the informal Greater London lunch for new and/or lone delegates which I thought went really well. UNISON conferences are a bit weird for new activists (and to be honest - old and new!) so this is a great opportunity to chat with new/sole members about conference. 

I had a dreadful waste of time trying to get my printer to work with my phone to enable delegates to print their speeches. Hopefully this will be sorted due to my HAB delegate colleague (and IT expert) Joseph Ogundemuren.

After close of conference I went to chemist for Covid  test kit since felt pretty rough but it was negative, so just an early case of the normal "Conference flu" I think.  Spent the evening writing my speech for composite D on industrial action ballots. 

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