The crazy, crazy thing about the current London Mayor and GLA elections is that when you state the fact that London is safer under Ken and a Labour dominated GLA, you often get blank expressions in return. People say “Crime is down in London? I thought it has gone up”?
The London Evening Boris and the rest of the Tory media have obviously had a malign effect. The actual truth is that the average decline in crime for the last 3 years is 5.5%.
“The number of murders in London has fallen every year for the last five years, from 222 in 2003 to 160 last year. This is a reduction in murder by 28 per cent - even more than the 19 per cent fall in crime in the same period. Rape has fallen by 25 per cent. Gun crime by 22 per cent. Racist crime has been reduced by 55 per cent while I have been in office”.
Before Ken was in charge and when the Tories were in control they reduced the number of Police in London due to spending cuts. This resulted in murders increasing by 70 per cent and rapes by 72 per cent.
Ken and the Labour GLA have increased the number of London Bobbies by 6,000, and when you add more than 4,000 Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), this means an increase by 10,000 in uniformed officers. He wants another 1,000 uniformed officers this year.
I have lived and worked in London for over 20 years and I have never seen so many uniformed Police officers on the streets of London as I have in recent years. People may have issues with Ken over various political issues but over tackling crime he has been solid and determined. There is still a lot more to do, but what we don’t want is a cost cutting buffoon to take over and wreak things (hello boris)
The London Evening Boris and the rest of the Tory media have obviously had a malign effect. The actual truth is that the average decline in crime for the last 3 years is 5.5%.
“The number of murders in London has fallen every year for the last five years, from 222 in 2003 to 160 last year. This is a reduction in murder by 28 per cent - even more than the 19 per cent fall in crime in the same period. Rape has fallen by 25 per cent. Gun crime by 22 per cent. Racist crime has been reduced by 55 per cent while I have been in office”.
Before Ken was in charge and when the Tories were in control they reduced the number of Police in London due to spending cuts. This resulted in murders increasing by 70 per cent and rapes by 72 per cent.
Ken and the Labour GLA have increased the number of London Bobbies by 6,000, and when you add more than 4,000 Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), this means an increase by 10,000 in uniformed officers. He wants another 1,000 uniformed officers this year.
I have lived and worked in London for over 20 years and I have never seen so many uniformed Police officers on the streets of London as I have in recent years. People may have issues with Ken over various political issues but over tackling crime he has been solid and determined. There is still a lot more to do, but what we don’t want is a cost cutting buffoon to take over and wreak things (hello boris)
Your stats don't add up...56 people were murdered in 7/7, are they in Ken's statistics he quotes or not? We know Laboutr like to let Terrorists out of prison early so maybe Ken decided to leave these murders out of his stats?
Ken also quotes crime being down based on the last three months and not a full twelve months...actually according to the Metropolitan police's own stats there were on average three mudrders a week in London over the last twleve months...what an enviable record! We can all sleep well at night now!
http://www.themoviefitna.com/ much safer. I'll be voting BNP thanks.
Hi Anon 1
Terrorist murders (before and after Ken) are of course not included. The primary responsibility for combating terrorism lies with Security services and the Anti-terrorist squads.
What Ken can proudly campaign on his record for what he is responsible – let us look at the figures again – not 3 months?
“The number of murders in London has fallen every year for the last five years, from 222 in 2003 to 160 last year. This is a reduction in murder by 28 per cent - even more than the 19 per cent fall in crime in the same period. Rape has fallen by 25 per cent. Gun crime by 22 per cent. Racist crime has been reduced by 55 per cent while I have been in office.”
Yes, things are not perfect, but I would rather have someone with a longstanding and proven record of getting things done as Mayor rather than someone who should have faced criminal charges for conspiracy to cause GBH to a journalist.
Anon 2
Your choice, after all it is a free country and not a fascist dictatorship. Not sure what your point is about the Fitna Link?
It’s frightening in one way that people just don’t get it about the BNP? The BNP is not just “anti-immigrants” like Wilders nutter PVV (which your link appears to show will lose a number of seats in forthcoming elections because of that film) “The BNP is a racist party, homophobic, is prejudiced against disabled people, full of thugs, holocaust deniers and Nazi sympathisers”.
On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years. To ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question. We will abolish the ‘positive discrimination’ schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. We will also clamp down on the flood of ‘asylum seekers’, all of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries.
i. Why do you disapprove of mixed marriages?
We believe in human diversity and in preserving the individuality and identity of all different ethnic groups. It is sad when a unique human genotype becomes extinct - as has happened around the world in the past and is happening today in the Amazon and in New Guinea. While a small number of mixed marriages – or mixed race children - in Britain won’t, in themselves, make any difference, if this is encouraged however as it is at present by politicians and the media then inevitably the traditional British genotype will be endangered in the long-term.Environmentalists are always keen to preserve unique animal species in the wild, so why shouldn’t the same principle apply to people? We believe that Britain’s proud history of glorious achievements demonstrates that the British genotype is a valuable one and deserves to be preserved.It has also been shown that mixed race children often suffer from identity problems, as has been pointed out by people such as Trevor Phillips (chairman of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights)
.ii. What is your attitude to homosexuals?
The British National Party is not ‘homophobic’ and believes that what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms is a matter for them alone and is of no concern to anyone else. On the other hand the BNP is not blinded or cowed by political correctness and recognises that homosexuality, which affects less than 2% of the population, is not the norm and that homosexual relationships do not produce offspring – essential to the survival of a people and a nation.We therefore believe in a policy of tolerance to all forms of adult sexuality, but homosexuality should not be promoted or encouraged. The BNP supports the traditional ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ attitude to homosexuality and is opposed to the flaunting or celebrating of homosexuality which ‘civil partnerships’ represent. We believe that the government should adopt a more neutral position towards homosexuality rather than aiding and encouraging it by passing legislation specifically and solely designed to favour it.
iii. Do you believe that blacks or other races are inferior?
No, we have never claimed any such thing. We simply believe that the different races are different, just as men and women are different, and as such they cannot be directly compared.
iv. If you believe that the races are different then you are racists.
Not at all. The definition of a racist is someone who hates people of other races. We do not hate anybody. Anyone who says the BNP is racist is either misinformed or a liar.
v. Why don’t you let blacks and Asians into the BNP?
For the same reason the Girl Guides don’t allow boys to join. Does that mean they are sexist? Does it mean they hate boys? Of course not, it’s just that their aim is to cater for the interests of girls, and similarly the BNP isn’t racist, but our purpose is to cater for the interests of the indigenous British population. The indigenous population of Britain is now the only group which is facing systematic, legalised and institutionalised discrimination, harassment and oppression. That’s precisely why the British people need the BNP - because we are the one and only organisation that has their interests at heart. There are hundreds of organisations exclusively for blacks or Asians, but only one organisation for the indigenous population - the BNP.
vi. What would you do with blacks and Asians already here?
Our policy is to:
i. Deport ALL the 2 million plus who are here illegally;
ii. Deport all those who commit crimes and whose original nationality was not British;
iii. Review all recent grants of residence/citizenship to ensure they are still appropriate [eg. if they were granted citizenship because they had married a Briton, they would need to be still married];
iv. Offer generous grants (£50,000) to anyone born here, or who otherwise has British citizenship, who chooses to leave permanently and is able to obtain a foreign citizenship (and thus renounce their British one).
[Note that we don’t mention race here at all; these policies are ‘colour blind’.]
vii. Your leader is on record denying the Holocaust ever happened and claiming that Jews control the media – you are clearly an anti-Semitic party.
Not at all. Dredging up quotes from 10, 15, 20 years ago is really pathetic and, in a sense, rather fascist. Everyone knows that people’s political philosophies evolve and change as they develop – at least three Labour ministers were previously Communist Party members, for instance - and Nick Griffin has repeatedly stated that he has changed his views since then. The BNP is in no way anti-Semitic nor do we deny the Holocaust. We have many Jewish members and are pleased to have a Jewish councillor in Epping, who is, indeed, the group leader there.
viii. Do you accept or deny that blacks/Asians born in Britain are totally British?
People are partly the product of their environment, but mainly of their genes. Spike Milligan and Joanna Lumley were born in India – do you think they are Indians? It was the Duke of Wellington who said that just because someone is born in a stable that doesn’t make him a horse.
To be truly British one has to have a British genotype, as well as to have fully adopted British culture. Blacks and Asians born here are legally British and should be treated as such, but they are not genetically British. Indeed, most blacks and Asians do not see themselves as wholly British, and often refer to themselves as British Asians, or British Pakistanis, etc.
ix. There is no such thing as a British people. The history of Britain is one of continued mass immigration, and we are therefore a mongrel people. What is happening now is just a continuation of that history.
Not at all - the scientific definition of an ‘indigenous’ species is a species originally present in an area. Therefore the indigenous British genotype is that created at the time when Britain was created as a nation, around 1,000 years ago. Britain then was made up of the descendants of the original Celts, together with Nordic (or Viking) people [from Norway, Sweden and Denmark], Germanic people [Angles and Saxons], Normans [who were largely former Vikings] and the Romans.
The point therefore is that the indigenous British are a fusion of genetically similar Northern and Western European peoples all coming from within a few hundred miles of each other. While more recent migrants from these areas can be easily assimilated therefore given their compatible genotype, the present immigration from the Third World is a very different matter. Species which move into a new area and become established there are called colonisers. Britain is therefore being colonised by foreign populations which are changing the nature of Britain.
[To understand this it is useful to consider a non-emotional parallel: the red and grey squirrel. The red squirrel is the indigenous one, the grey one the coloniser. The grey squirrel will never be termed indigenous, no matter how long it has been here. The term indigenous has a precise scientific meaning. A species either is, or is not, indigenous; it cannot become indigenous.]
x. Why do you object to immigration and the change in Britain’s population? You are just being racist, aren’t you?
Not at all. People are the product of their genes, and a country is the product of its people. That’s why every country is different – that’s the beauty of the world and why travel is so interesting. That’s why Bath is different to Baghdad, Canterbury different to Calcutta and Manchester different to Mogadishu. If Britain’s population changes then the very nature of our towns and cities will change. You may be happy about that but we like Britain the way it has traditionally been. That makes us traditionalists, or small-c conservatives, or better still nationalists, but certainly not racists.
xi. Do you want an all-white Britain?
We have no objection to a limited number of people of different races or cultures, but they shouldn’t be so many that they actually change the area they live in. Ethnic minorities should be just that – minorities, making up no more than 2-3% of the population of any given area. In some areas their numbers have become too high, and there are parts of our towns and cities which have become visibly foreign. We want a traditional Britain.
xii. The BNP is a fascist and undemocratic party.
This is utter nonsense – the BNP is, in fact, the most democratic party in Britain. Only the BNP believes in citizen-initiated referenda which will genuinely give power back to the people. The other parties are determined to ignore the wishes of the British people – only the BNP trusts the British people and wants to give them back control over their country.
[Citizen-initiated referenda work very well in Switzerland and some US states.]
xiii. Senior BNP leaders have been convicted of race hatred and other criminal offences – how can you deny being a violent and racist party?
You are talking about the actions of a small minority of members in the past, not the present. No senior member of the BNP has any serious criminal convictions. It is a fact however that BNP members are sometimes politically victimised and wrongfully convicted when merely defending themselves from attack. As for convictions for political crimes, these simply prove we do not have freedom of speech in Britain any more. We do not – absolutely not – encourage hatred against ethnic minorities, but we must be allowed to speak about the problems which Britain faces today. Nowadays the BNP is the only party that stands up for genuine free speech.
The real criminals are to be found in the Labour, Conservative and LibDem parties which are notorious for sleaze, fraud and corruption, and whose members have a string of convictions for serious criminal offences.
xiv. Migrants are good for Britain’s economy and for services like the NHS.
This is completely untrue, as has been demonstrated by independent analysts [eg. MigrationWatch]. The government claims that migrants raise our GDP, but crime increases GDP too – do you believe that crime is a good thing? It’s not GDP we should be measuring but quality of life, and Britain’s population is now double what environmental groups [eg. the Optimum Population Trust] believe is the appropriate figure for a country this size.
As for the health service, ‘health tourists’ are estimated to cost the NHS £2 billion a year, and diseases such as TB and AIDS are on the increase as a direct result of immigration. British doctors and nurses are unable to find work in the NHS because we are importing medical staff – some with questionable qualifications - from the Third World where they are desperately needed. The BNP would improve the NHS and reduce waiting lists.
xv. Explain what you mean by British culture.
Any nation’s culture is a combination of all the historical factors that go towards making the majority of people in that country, and the country itself, identifiably different. Our culture is therefore a combination of our history, our temperament, our sporting, artistic, literary and musical heritage, our environment, our interests and aspirations, our language, our religion and our form of government.
A culture takes centuries to create, but can be destroyed in just a few years. Only the BNP values and wants to preserve our traditional culture – the other parties are determined to undermine it and destroy it in their ideological determination to impose a multicultural society where the British are treated as second class citizens in their own country.
xvi. Do you support the England football team?
Of course we do! And the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish teams too, as well as our national rugby, cricket and other sporting teams. We even sell England car flags on our website for our members to show their support for the football team during international tournaments.
xvii. What is your position on an English parliament?
The British National Party, as its name suggests, believes that Britain is stronger for being united, and that the home nations – and the people of these nations - have a common history and heritage, as well as continuing common interests. We note with concern however that the establishment of the Scottish parliament and the Assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland has created an inequitable situation in England, with issues which are only relevant to England being voted on by MPs representing constituencies in the other home nations. There is a growing resentment at this unfairness in England and we believe that an English parliament would help to resolve this problem. An English parliament would therefore strengthen the Union. The BNP policy is: ‘an English parliament for a stronger Britain’.
xiii. The BNP is an extremist party.
This is totally untrue. An opinion poll carried out for Sky News in April 2006 found that over 50% of the British people support the BNP’s policies. We simply say what the majority of people in this country think, so how can we possibly be called extremist? On the contrary, this poll proves that we represent the genuine centreground of British politics. The BNP is the voice of the British people.
xix. The “Daily Mirror says serial killer John Laidlaw was a BNP member.
John Laidlaw was jailed in February for life for a shooting spree in north London. He was clearly a nutter and he is not and NEVER has been a member of the BNP. This is just another example of how the established media and left-wing extremists blatantly lie to their readers and viewers. This proves you can’t believe ANYTHING they say about the BNP.
xx. The “Africans for Essex” story was a lie.
In 2005 BNP campaigner in Barking and Dagenham, uncovered a scheme where council residents in inner London boroughs were being paid substantial amounts of money to move elsewhere. The BNP coined the term “Africans for Essex” because the majority of beneficiaries were Africans and rather than upsticks and move to Hampshire or Cumbria outer London is seen as a more attractive location, with its ease of access to the city and the ability to retain ties with family and friends.
These relocation schemes are real, the story was not a lie and here is further information from the “Assisted Purchase” scheme from Westminster City Council:
Assisted Purchase gives an outright grant of £50,000 for WCC secure tenants living in homes with 3 or more bedrooms, and £25,000 for those in homes with 2 bedrooms. The council has an annual budget of £750,000 to give away, and the way the money is allocated is that “Grants are offered to the people with the highest number of bedrooms first, until all the money has been spent”.
Broken Promises:-
Tony Blair and New Labour made the following promises in their previous manifestoes. Why are there still people willing to vote for them?
* “We will not introduce top-up fees, and have legislation to prevent them”
(They introduced top-up fees)
* “New Labour will be wise spenders, not big spenders”
(They spent £900 000 for the production of an NHS magazine which sold just 22 copies)
* “We will clamp down on Housing Benefit fraud, costing £2 billion a year”
(Benefit fraud now costs as much as £7 billion)
* “We will get the unemployed from welfare to work”
(A million young people are not in work, education or training. Nearly 8 million people are economically inactive)
* “Our purpose is to make the NHS a public service, not a commercial business driven by competition”
(New rules allow health authorities to subcontract with private health care organisations. Recently, a private contractor struck a record £1.25 million deal to run five GP practices)
* “We will make high quality NHS dentistry available to all by September 2001”
(Soviet-style queues outside dental practices offering NHS care. Over half the population in the country cannot get registered with an NHS dentist)
* “We will end waiting for cancer treatment”
(There is a wait for up to three months for radiotherapy for breast cancer)
* “Labour will defend the basic state pension, without means-testing”
(In 1997, 40% of pensioners were mean-tested. In 2003 nearly 60% were means-tested)
* “We will create the framework for better second pension schemes”
(When Labour came to power, 67% of pensioners received an occupational pension. Four years later, it was down to 59%)
* “We will cut waiting lists”
(The average waiting time for hospital treatment is now 99 days - up from 90 days in 1999 - and there are still a million people on waiting lists)
* “We will cut spending on red tape and bureaucracy”
(The Government’s own efficiency expert found £20 billion of waste in public spending)
* “We will be tough on crime”
(Now, one million violent crimes are committed every year)
* “We will develop a transport policy to fight congestion”
(Motorway congestion has increased by 250%)
* “We will not force schools to sell off playing fields”
(Schools are forced to sell off their playing fields)
* “We will make education our number one priority”
(One in three 11 year olds leave primary school unable to read, write and count properly)
* “Teachers will be entitled to full support to promote good attendance and sound discipline”
(A million children played truant last year. A teacher is attacked every seven minutes)
* “We will promote personal prosperity for all”
(The gap between rich and poor has widened)
* “We will spend wisely……..”
(They spent 62% more on services to achieve a 16% output)
* “……and tax fairly”
(New Labour has raised tax 66 times by stealth)
* “New Labour is not about high taxes on ordinary families”
(Now, an average household in the UK pays £5000 extra on taxes; it was £2000 under the Conservatives)
* “We will help create successful and profitable businesses”
(Strikes rose by 462%, manufacturing employment fell by 733 000 and red tape costs businesses £20 billion)
* “We will cut unnecessary red tape for small businesses”
(The average employer spends 200% more time dealing with red tape)
* “We will overhaul our fisheries policy”
(Now, our fishing fleet is the smallest it has ever been)
* “We will strengthen family life”
(Homelessness rose by 27%. The number of families in Bed and Breakfast accommodation rose by 151%)
* “We believe the all pensioners should share in the increasing prosperity of the nation”
(Over 2 million pensioners live below the poverty line)
* “We will reform the asylum system”
(Between 1997 and 2003, 553 850 asylum seekers entered the UK, equivalent to the entire voting population of Telford, nine times over)
X Factor winner Leona Lewis has told how brutality and violence is an accepted part of growing up in London.
The 22-year-old from Hackney said the majority of her friends were victims of shootings, knife attacks or assaults.
In an interview for next month's edition of Cosmopolitan, the chart-topping artist said: "Most of my friends have been shot, stabbed or beaten up.
"Not so much the girls but the guys. All my friends have been in trouble. It's part of being young in London."
In November Lewiswas reported to be "devastated" by the death of 17-year-old Etem Celebi, who was shot a few streets away from the Stoke Newington address where she grew up.
The murdered teenager had played football with her childhood sweetheart and current boyfriend, electrician Lou Al-Chamaa.
Lewis said: "My heart goes out to his family. He was way too young. It makes you take stock and realise you can't take anything for granted. You have to appreciate life."
She added it was only her dream of becoming a pop star that kept her out of trouble and away from the temptations that many inner city youths succumb to. She also paid tribute to the guidance of her parents, Joe, 47, a youth worker and Marie, 43, a social worker.
"I always had a goal, which kept me off the streets, " she said. "I didn't get involved in trouble because I was focused on singing.
"My parents had rules like when it was dark they wanted me home. They didn't need to tell me twice."
Lewis's interview comes as a record number of teenagers have been murdered in London. Last year 27 were killed in stabbings and shootings, many gang-related. The Crown Prosecution Service figures for the capital point to a sharp increase in the number of killings, burglaries and attacks committed last year by offenders aged 17 or under.
Convictions for robbery leaped the most, up by 43 per cent. Overall, the statistics show there were 14,904 juvenile convictions last year, an increase of 19 per cent on 2006.
Although prosecutors say the increase has been partly driven by efforts to bring more cases to court, the leap in convictions has fuelled concern about growing youth crime in London.
Despite priding herself on her hardworking and clean-living lifestyle, Lewis's family has been tainted by crime. Her uncle Dorian served eight years in prison for robbery and at the age of 14 her cousin, Adrian Henry, led a gang which raped an Austrian tourist and threw her into a canal.
The former pizza hut waitress, whose single Bleeding Love was a Number One hit around the world, also revealed she does not drink alcohol.
She said: "I don't drink. I hate the taste of alcohol. When my single went to Number One last year I celebrated with non-alcoholic champagne."
Since winning the third series of X Factor in 2006 Lewis has continued to live in Hackney with her boyfriend.
Link to:
I have a lot of respect for you personally. You do a lot of good work in Tower Hamlets, but it does disappoint me when I see you refer to anyone as a buffoon. Tackle any politicians on their policies, but don't come down to the level on some of the people who have entered utter racist crap. You are better than that. I have always read your blog with the greatest of interest and although I might not always agree with all you say, you are a decent person who works hard for what you believe in.
Tackle any politicians on their policies, but don't come down to the level on some of the people who have entered utter racist crap. What racist crap?
I think the "BNP manifesto" that was printed here is very compelling. I think that you can simply expect a load of Labour la la land responses though.
Still can't find the racist crap,please help.
Anon 1
I am a so-called real native Brit ((Welsh/Scots), if you are angle-Saxon, how would you feel if I said that you are the son of illegal immigrants and that you should return to your German forest homeland? Not that I would of course!
Anon 2
i. We are all Mongols you silly Billy!
ii. Don’t be daft the BNP is homophobic despite the fact that fascist parties have always attracted large number of gays to their ranks (Rohm et al)
iii. yeah
iv. I must be a fibber
v. You have Turkish members though? Why, is Turkey indigenous? Personally, I can’t wait until Turkey joins the EU.
i. You can’t count
ii. Including your Turkish comrades?
iii. Already done
iv. A load of Aussie/RSA mates can’t wait to get a free holiday home and £50k
Vii. Ex-CPGB members who are now democratic socialists are rather different to Nazi’s who are still Nazi but now belong to a different Nazi group.
viii. “Blacks and Asians born here are legally British and should be treated as Such” - hear, hear!
ix. We are all of course Mongols. However, while I don’t think that the red Squirrel can cross bred with the grey, there is nothing stopping humans. We are not different, we are all (even the BNP) human beings.
x. British towns and cities have always changed and evolved. It is just ignorant to think otherwise.
xi. The BNP want forced immigration to parts of the UK was there are no current immigrations? I suppose the welsh and Irish in Liverpool will also be kicked out?
xii. Of course you are fascists? Why deny it? Why are you ashamed to call yourself fascist?
xiii. So many of your have real nasty criminal convictions for horrible and vicious violence?
xiv. So the next time any BNP supporter is rushed to hospital with a critical condition they should have a donor card saying they will refuse treatment from anyone who is non-white. Seems fair enough to me.
xv. British culture is all about fairness, justice, freedom, democracy and rule of law. Nothing to do with fascism which is a completely unBritish, foreign and alien concept.
xvi. They should of course also sell the Swastika flag
xvii. Under the BNP all parliaments will of course be abolished.
xviii. The British people hate and loath Nazi. Many of us lost relatives fighting them.
xix. I’ve never heard of Laidlow however, I have heard of David Copeland (Soho Bomber) this baby killer was a member of the BNP
xx. This was of course a famous BNP lie – the majority of tenants who took advantage of this scheme were of course white Brits.
Anon 3 – Sorry, but I am knackered with putting right BNP lies. Needless to say that I do not agree with your points!
Anon 4 – Yes, crime is bloody awful, so vote for a winner and someone who is actually doing something about it”
Anon 5 – thank you for your kind comments. But (and there is always a but) I do really and honestly consider Boris to be a buffoon. To be honest this was the image he deliberately encouraged until fairly recently.
Anon 6/7/8
While I never used the term racist crap – the thought "the bleeding obvious" occurs.
ok John, you can't change my mind nor me yours,but to me and a growing number of people the mainstream parties are dead and we will be voting BNP, honest not racist.I think you are living in the past,the BNP are not the NF and everyone i've met from the BNP (not loads) have been nice honest everyday people with the same worries as me and many. If they are so bad why don't you people have open debate on TV and expose them? is it because you would be exposed and more people would vote BNP? I think the 3 'mainstream' parties are scared to debate with them and spend millions trying to stop them through cowardly means,smears and lies,open debate on TV,i bet Nick Griffin would be up for it and Richard Barnbrook, under-dogs and freedom fighters,good luck to them both.I don't think you're a bad fella John and fair play for letting people post things you disagree with and taking time to answer,but thats blogging and not hiding. see ya.
Just the bits I know about so I know that anonymous is talking rubbish:
* “Labour will defend the basic state pension, without means-testing”
(In 1997, 40% of pensioners were mean-tested. In 2003 nearly 60% were means-tested)
You are conflating the basic state pension with means tested benefits. Everyone gets the BSP regardless, so means testing is irrelevant - so your response is utterly meaningless.
If there has been an increase in the number of pensioners getting means-tested benefits (ie other than the BSP), is that necessarily a bad thing? It means they are getting MORE money from the Govt.
It's simply undeniable that Labour has given more money to the poorest pensioners.
* “We will create the framework for better second pension schemes”
(When Labour came to power, 67% of pensioners received an occupational pension. Four years later, it was down to 59%)
Nope it hasn't changed (not a good thing, but not at all what you suggest). It was 59% in 1996/97 and it was 59% in 2005/06. chgeck of the figures in Pensioner Income Series 05/06 page 41.
If your figures and understanding are this wobbly about pensions they are probably juist as bad in other areas.
Are the people of Tibet mongols,if so they must stop protesting now.
So Tom our figures come from different sources,it still looks bad for Liebour and i think we'll see the back of them next time around,but does that really matter LabLibCon men, same meat different gravy,same gravy boat, Oink Oink Good luck.
I just want to say a big thank you for dealing with BNP manifesto points.
I had to think long and hard about whther I agreed with the SWP position of not giving the fascists a platform, but as usual with these things they are plain wrong. It's not giving a platform by hammering every one of their manifesto points into oblivion so effectively. I suppose it's different when they get to have their say without an informed and articulate person to respond to them. I do quite like Trotksy's view that our job is to acquaint a fascist's face with the pavement, but we still have to address and enlighten others.
And that's why I'm writing to say thanks - now when I hear those idiots spouting off, or even people at work who have been misled by their racist lies I'll have good arguments and information to use!
Keep up the good work - we need more like you.
John your one-liners looked weak against the BNP Manifesto,but good try.
I kinda like the way Augusto Pinochet dealt with the left.
Alison - spot on.
John - is there any chance you could get unison to produce some leaflets which comprehensively batter the BNP lies? They've got the money! Not in academic-speak either - we need it in plain English, no beating around the bush - just tell it like it is.
Anon 1
“ok John, you can't change my mind nor me yours...”
Don’t be fooled anon – check out what your Kamerads actually think in “stormfront” or “redwatch” web sites etc. I really don’t think that all the people you have apparently “met” in the BNP are so nice! And I think you know it.
Well done for smiting the ignorant BNP pig man with your sword of truth!
Anon 2
If you do not understand the difference in Tibet between a military invasion and occupation, with lawful immigration in the UK then I think you deserve a more senior position in the BNP. They will find someone else to serve the tea.
Thanks Alison
Anon 3 & 4
Nuf said
Anon 5
Yep! UNISON and SERTUC have put some good ant-Nazi stuff out
Anon 2
If you do not understand the difference in Tibet between a military invasion and occupation, with lawful immigration in the UK then I think you deserve a more senior position in the BNP. They will find someone else to serve the tea. I was joking John,and i think the word you were looking for is monrel. you silly Billy. VERY WEAK JOHN,VERY,VERY WEAK.
I think the time for the BNP is coming...
Hi Anon
Yes, it is about time we called time on the BNP
London is so much safer that Harriet Harman has to wear a stab proof vest whilst touring Peckham! If crime has fallen so greatly why did she need to do this...is it because whilst we all have to pretend that the statistics are true we also all know the reality on the streets. Why doesn't the govt issue threst of us with stab proof vests?
The BNP anonymous commentator here makes some surprising assertions about a British genotype, something that makes no sense biologically.
The truth is that genetic diversity within all but the most inbred human populations is far greater than diversity between populations.
The comparison with grey and red squirrels is false because these are defined as separate species being unable to interbreed and produce fertile offspring. This is true of no human population - we are demonstrably one species, unlike the squirrels.
Genetic health of populations is almost entirely associated with outbreeding rather than inbreeding.
A British genotype is an unscientific term - there is no such thing. In actual fact, even here our correspondent is inaccurate in characterizing the British. The predominant genetic influence is actually that of the beaker people who predated Celts by several thousand years.
The Romans of course were not all from Italy and the legions included North Africans and others from far flung regions of the empire.
The Celts themselves, as Roman writers like Tacitus observed, were indistinguishable from Iberians. And modern tissue typing has shown a very close affinity between the celtic Welsh and the Berbers of North Africa.
Genetic studies regularly throw up far flung genes in the white English - African genes, polynesian genes, which may go back centuries or even milennia in their origins. Except for very isolated highly inbred populations there has been mixing of genes for milennia. I am quite happy to be one of the mongrel English.
The question of culture is another matter. And I regard the preservation of elements of English and other cultures of these Isles as important. The loss of distinctive culture is a global phenomenon. (And my grandmother had her Welsh mother tongue suppressed by the English). But perhaps we should not worry too much. It must also have been a similar phenomeon amongst the Celts who two thousand years ago transformed from rebellious tribes (Boudicca burned down London and Colchester) into Romano Celts who begged the legions to remain in these lands when they finally left.
Plus ca change...
Very boring, academic irrelevent post by a woolly liberal....there is one law in this land, and one democracy. Most people are afraid that the inrush of immigrants is swamping our identity, our heritage and our traditions. No where is this more prevalent than in the traditionally working class areas of our cities..labour has promoted this difference and now they will pay the price.
Anon - you may wish to dismiss my posting as boring, but you fail to answer the charge of using unscientific language like "genotype" for the British. Only individuals have a genotype, not a nation, not even a racial group. A nation has a gene pool with huge genetic diversity in it (even amongst the ethnic white English). I thought that talk of racial "type" justified by bogus science belonged to another era...
Hi Anon 1
I think that everyone now, including Harriet, accepts that she made a “media mistake” by wearing the vest. Equally I think it is accepted that she did it in good faith.
Anon 2
Once again, good stuff. Real History is so important. My Welsh Nain also suffered horrible victimisation as a child for speaking Welsh at School!
Anon 3
Yeah, yeah
Anon 4
Bish bash bop – well done anon, remember these Charlie’s probably also measure the size of peoples heads to support their political theories.
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