I can’t find a link to the leaflet. This paragraph should give you a flavour.
“The BNP is opposed to the London that you know and love. They hate multi-cultural society. They hate diversity in your community. The BNP is a racist party, homophobic, is prejudiced against disabled people, full of thugs, holocaust deniers and Nazi sympathisers”.
Which I think is pretty accurate summary of the BNP, quite mild really.
This has been the “Weekend of Hope” across London. With a series of anti-fascist events across London.
The one thing that did surprise me was that a number of people took a leaflet then came back and asked who are the BNP? The leaflet did not actually say what the initials BNP meant. This included black Londoners? As soon as you said “British National Party” most knew who we meant. However, some still looked blankly.
I think we still have some work to do.
The joys of multiculturalism. Vicar in hospital after nasty faith hate attack at church that "should be turned into mosque". keep the BNP out of London? NO mate, enough is enough.Keep the Dhimmis out of London.
Tolerance:Tolerance is usually just a call for people-usually native Brits-to capitulate to minority race-hustlers demands-usually outrageous,and thus intolerable. people have had enough and the BNP is the only party listening, silly name calling by the left cuts no ice and makes them look and sound pathetic,weak and unable to deal with the issues people have. Cultural Marxists are the problem not the answer.People are finding the courage to stand up to Marxist bullying and are exercising their right of free association not everyone wants to interact with others,if they do then fine,if they don't then its not down to people like you to name call and bully.
Hi Anon BNP
I don’t actually know what you are going on about? It’s a good idea to reference things you are going on about when ever possible? I don’t normally read “The Sun” or the “Daily Mail”. However, I find it very ironic that if some thug who happens to be nominally Muslim does some nasty violent act you use this as an excuse to attack “multi-culturism”. Yet, you support a political party that is full of convicted criminals who have numerous crimes of violence, rape, sexual assault, robbery, theft, football hooliganism, drug dealing, terrorism etc?
Sorry “Mate”, please learn to read properly and you will discover that the “Dhimmis” applies to countries legal system where there is not a Muslim majority!
I look forward to your kids marrying Black Brits – I bet you will still love your Grandson regardless of his colour?
Hi Anon
The tide ebbs and flows – don’t be so silly, surely even fascists have some sort of a brain? Of course most Black Londoners know about the Nazi BNP but it does no credit to either the Anti Nazi campaigners or your own fascist media that so many ordinary Londoners did not know what BNP stood for? Nazi sympathisers
The tide does ebb and flow and the tide is turning and there is nothing you pathetic, greedy, lying, illegal war starting, vote rigging,referendum denying, corrupt, two house owning hypocrits can do, well apart from call people names. pathetic.Didn't you have answers for my other post?
blimey Anon
Have you looked in a mirror lately? What post?
Yes i've looked in the mirror, whats that got to do with anything? i haven't got blood on my hands or two houses (at tax payers expence)i'm in no position to rig votes or lie to the public. Have you tried taking your head out of the sand or fingers out of your ears, or when you take your head from the sand try not putting on your rose tinted glasses,everythings fine in loony la la Labour Land.
Champagne anyone? Jaspers paying.
A different anonymous here... Multiculturalism is simply the experience of billions of people across the globe. Those who think that can be undone in any way short of catastrophe are, in my opinion, unrealistic. To be sure, to have different cultures living together (and this has always been the case in England, with Beaker People, Celt, Roman, Angle, Saxon, Dane and soforth) brings challenges as well as benefits. London in particular has always been international and multicultural - for at least 3,000 years. Our challenge is to live together while respecting our differences - and that includes respect for Anglo Saxon and Celtic culture as well as all the other cultures that make up London.
think kosovo.
“Different” anon – good comment! I couldn’t have put it better!
Anon – not really sure what you mean about Kosovo? Serbian fascist (neo-BNP) aggression?
head,sand, rose-tinted glasses. la la liebour.
iraq- labour aggression.
John are you a Julia Middleton zombie? A brainwashed Neo-Marxist Common Purpose member?Or just a delusional lefty.la la.
Think Tibet.
Different anon here
We don't have to go as far as Kosovo to look for ethnic conflict - we had our own civil war in Northern Ireland after all. And if you go back to the tenth century Saxon and Dane were slaughtering one another in England.
In all of these conflicts there are also political dimensions, often imperialist dimensions, that we need to understand. Solve those problems and you can go a good way to solving the problem on the ground, as Northern Ireland hopefully shows.
We can not separate Kosovo from the break up of Yugoslavia, and personally I believe the West was wrong in encouraging that breakup, thereby encouraging an upsurge of nationalism that wreaked havoc in the Balkans for ten years.
Hi Anon
Don’t really know that much about Julia except DEMOS stuff. Can’t wait to tell my comrades in United left that I have been accused of being a “Neo-Marxist” – you are doing my street cred wonders – keep it up!
Different Anon
I feel so deflated! – After such a smashing post before! How could we not support the breakup of Yugoslavia when its peoples clearly did not want to be together? If there had been no imperialistic Serbia “the horror” would have been greatly reduced. Compare and contrast the experience of Czechoslovakia in 1992. Partition does not mean bloodshed.
Different anon here
Re Serbia - it is true that the nationalism of Milosevic was one of the factors in the break up of Yugoslavia - and indeed also true that Tito was fearful that this might happen after his death. But it is widely believed that Germany wished to detach Croatia from Yugoslavia and that the West in General wished to break up the Balkans and detach as much from Moscow as possible. So we need to see this in the wider political (and imperialist) context. Czechoslovakia was able to break up peacefully partly because it was a relatively new entity and also because Russia was by then too weak to try to hold it within its reins. Partition does not necessarily mean bloodshed of course - though there are few examples where it has not.
The reason I opposed the breakup of Yugoslavia and the West's role in this is that our best hope is to support the UN charter and the principle of upholding nation states. It is the only really serious attempt that has been made to give some international and fair legal basis to territorial disputes - imperfect as it is.
With regard to Tibet (other anon)the biggest problem is China's suppression of human rights and democracy. The other issues there can be painted as ethnic conflict or as traditional culture versus the modern. But we should perhaps not forget that Tibet has long been associated with China - so I have much sympathy for the Dalai Lama's position of calling for autonomy within China.
The whole issue of how cultures preserve something of themselves in the modern world is difficult but I do think we should look for ways of living alongside others and respecting cultural differences - the only alternatives to this are apocalyptic. And, besides, races and cultures have always been hybrids to a greater or lesser extent. England especially. And, like the great 18th Century English painter and printer Hogarth - I am proud to be a mongrel...
Like Kenya?
Like Iraq?
You talk about suppression of Democracy, on John's Labour blog. KEEP THE BNP OUT OF LONDON. Lefty Democracy,you people are the Fascists.none so blind......... lol
I am a BNP supporter, while I recognise that there is some Nazi support with within the BNP the vast majority of national socialists will have nothing to do with BNP, I get very frustrated by the left labelling us all Nazis. I am not a national socialist,or a white supremacist or a member or the KKK. I class myself as a nationalist. I was once a labour supporter, but the attacks of 11/09 and 7/7 changed that. Both staged attacks. 11/09 was staged by the neocons as a pretext to invade Iraq, and 7/7 was staged to keep up support for Iraq, and generate fear , ID cards need a reason.
In reference to the growing popularity of the B.N.P. I feel the media steadfastly refuses to ask the obvious; if support for the B.N.P. in London alone has risen from 3000 to 300,000 in just a few years then the most important question is clearly, why?
There seems to be only four possibilities:
1) Hundreds of thousands of people have suddenly become 'racist'.
2) Hundreds of thousands of people have suddenly become stupid.
3) The B.N.P. is no longer/never really was, racist.
4) The economic boom of the last ten years fuelled a 'benefits bribery system' along with a conspiracy of media/parliamentary silence regarding the true feelings of the VAST majority of ENGLISH people regarding mass foreign migration and an accompanying 'multiculture' never put to the British people in referenda despite constituting the greatest social change in our country’s history, is now over.
Of course, some of us who vote B.N.P. also feel morally outraged that the most essential workers (i.e. in health and business) are being taken from Africa and Asia despite the U.N. constantly saying these most desperate of places suffer greatly from this 'brain drain'.
We believe our 1.5 million British unemployed between 16-24 should be OUR new generation of doctors and nurses and the populations of other countries deserve to keep theirs.
We also believe 25,000 women trafficked into our country to be raped to death in our cities because we have NO BORDER CONTROL is a horror of biblical proportions, ignored in favour of British business (or simply put: the rich getting richer.)
The mass of people voting B.N.P. are not racist and actually think race is a non-issue. Instead we are looking at a full range of party policies and more importantly the opportunity for this nascent party to continue to grow and change and finally to become a party to represent our people rather than a globalised commercial M.N.C. greed machine as the non-socialist Labour and non-conservative Tory partys have become. (See sub-prime mortgages, unregulated financial sector, super-rich immunity, and the basic rich/poor divide.)
A building, be it a hospital, a school, a library, is only so much bricks and mortar. A name irrelevant without a human face. And a party as true, fair, honest, racist, evil, socialist, nationalist, liberal, or anything else as the people that constitute it's control.
People like me, member of Anti-Slavery International, member of Mensa, member of the B.N.P., and with a good education, and with honesty and morality, and a overriding wish to debate alternatives to current European governments.
Governments soon be little more than a vast 'managerial tier' within the M.N.C. financial and trade networks. Networks that are currently creating a low paid 'drifting' mass of world populations the sole purpose of which being to gravitate to which ever country they are most needed as cheap labour.
A mass soon to increase from 6 billion to 9 billion and in doing so also increase the constant civil war world-wide that is bound to follow.
Hi Anon 1
Like Hograrth and you I am proud to be a mongrel – not sure about your other views!
What can I possible say about someone who states that they are not Nazis but believe that 9/11 and 7/7 were “staged attacks”?
What is wrong with you?
Origin 8
Do mind having a black background?
It’s a bit rich complaining about sexual crimes when your London organiser doesn’t think that rape is a crime?
I think that one of the reasons people have voted BNP in the past since they do not realise that the BNP is a Nazi Party and that the BNP continue to lie about their party,
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