The former Labour leader of Tower Hamlets Council, Michael Keith (centre red shirt) has been selected to stand for Labour in the Shadwell by-election brought about by the resignation of senior Respect Councillor Shamim Chowdury. Councillor Chowdury resigned after calling Respect Councillors “bickering, immature and self-serving”
In 2005 Michael (seen above with UNISON Labour Link supporters) lost his seat in Shadwell to Respect which he had held since 1994. However, Labour retained overall control of the Council.
In 2005 Michael (seen above with UNISON Labour Link supporters) lost his seat in Shadwell to Respect which he had held since 1994. However, Labour retained overall control of the Council.
Micheal was selected by the local Labour Party by an overwhelming majority.
This by-election on August 9 is seen as a crucial test for Respect. Will they be able to regain the seat after this latest embarrassing resignation?
This is really good. Good luck Michael, you can do it!
Ha, ha, he lost! Get back to Iraq you blood-drenched Labour scum!
Blimey, Ha, Ha, Ha – I thought you lot wanted us out of Iraq! Wait till your central committee hears of your treason!
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