However, well done to the negotiators for pulling off a good deal. Not a perfect deal, but at the end of the day in my view a far better result than many expected at the beginning of this dispute. We have an improved and sustainable final salary scheme. The real threat to this deal and to all public sector pensions schemes is from the Tories who continue to promise to “review” (i.e. dismantle and replace with unsafe private schemes) the so-called “gold plated” (as if) public pensions.
Some previous posts on this issue (and here)
The unions need to rethink pensions in the private sector. Pensions need to adapt and change but traditional final salary schemes are not unaffordable, the drive to close such schemes in the private sector has been to cut costs not to do with affordability. Check out Tom’s post on this issue.
Oh dear me -I am splitting hairs but wasn't it 97% of something like a 23% turn out? It is still an overwhelming yes vote -and was certainly to be expected, but it was not 97% of UNISON members. (This is what comes of having to check Trading Standards stuff.)Kat
Hi Katrina
left out the word "vote" but I think that the 97% was a accurate representation of our members. Pity about the recent 6.5% NEC turn out?
Good to see a really clear vote for once! It does rather make a nonsense of the claims of those who banged on about the determination of vast swathes of 'their members' to take action -what chance of that if they couldn't even be bothered to just vote against the offer?
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