Monday, January 27, 2025

UNISON Living Webinar - 15 May 12.30 or 5.15pm


UNISON Living Webinar


Calling all UNISON activists and branch officers - Make your UNISON membership work for you!

Thursday 15 May 2025
12.15pm for a 12.30pm start
OR 5pm for a 5.15pm start (each session approx 1hr)
Online, via Microsoft Teams

There is no limit to the number of branch members who can attend, please encourage as many of your branch committee and activists as possible to attend.
You will know that apart from the provision of representation and collective bargaining rights, there are many other benefits to being a UNISON member.  With the current cost of living crisis many members will be considering ways to save money and so there is no better time to ensure all our members and potential members are aware of how to make the most of their membership.

As activists and branch officers you are at the front-line of supporting members and encouraging fellow workers to join UNISON.  The aim of this webinar is to provide you with information on as many of the products and services that are available from our trusted UNISON Living providers.  The power of our 1.3 million members has secured the best deals exclusively for our members.

Come along and hear from UNISON service providers on many of the benefits available, how to access them and how to make contact with service providers and what they can provide to you as activists and your branch.  The seminar will run for a maximum of 1.5 hours.

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