Wednesday, January 22, 2025

#HeartUnions week 10-16 February 2025


#HeartUnions week 10-16 February 2025 - Join in and let’s grow our movement

Can you run a recruitment stall in your local area?
  • Run your event any time during #HeartUnions week, 10 - 16 February, or later if you need to.
  • Sign up here to receive a pack of campaign materials, resources and guidance.
  • There is a map of events on the Megaphone website here - make sure to add your event!

The number one reason that people give for not joining a union is that they've never been asked. Can you be the person to ask?

In #HeartUnions week people around the country will take to the streets to spread the word about why unions are vital for everyone at work, and they will encourage others to join a union.

To grow our movement, we need more union members, more reps, more organisers, and more people to know about the power of being in a union. Can you run a recruitment stall or leafleting activity in your workplace or local area? We'll post you a bundle of resources and leaflets, and support you along the way.

Sign up today

Any queries, get in touch with

(I am planning a stall during this week at work)

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