Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Standing for re-election UNISON National Executive Council (NEC) 25-27 - Members Together


Yesterday, Denise and I opened our re-election campaign to stand for the UNISON Community Service Group NEC seats to represent 80,000 members, who work in Charities and Housing Associations. We emailed 548 branches to provide information about ourselves and to ask for their nomination. 

There are number of other NEC candidates, who we are supporting, who I will post upon later. Please see below our covering email to branches. 

"Dear Branch Secretary,
We are writing to ask you to nominate us for the Community seats on the National Executive Council (NEC), by Friday 14 February. We also ask you to support all Members Together Candidates.
Both of us are experienced NEC members seeking re-election, we pledge to:
  • Prioritise Branches
  • Support our Community Activists
  • Deliver for Community Members
  • Restore Unity
  • Fight Discrimination and put Equalities at the heart of UNISON
Members Together
We are part of Members Together - a group of like-minded members who put members first. We believe in our union and know the power it has to improve our lives at work. We also recognise the challenges that branches face and are determined to address them. We do not think this has happened over recent years because of political infighting.
What you need to do
The steps you need to take are:
  1. Set a date between 13 January and 14 February for the branch nominating committee or branch executive to meet
  2. Decide who to nominate, please read our full letter
  3. If you have community members but are not a community branch, please ask them to support our nomination and ratify their decision at your committee meeting. We appreciate this is time consuming, but we know how important it is that they also have a voice in our union.
  1. Fill in the online nomination submission in the email from CES you should have received as soon as possible and before 14 February 2025. 
You can find more information about nominating on page 5 of the 2025 NEC Election - Procedures document - NEC election procedures
If you’d like to discuss anything mentioned in this letter, feel free to get in touch by emailing or calling us. We are more than happy to discuss Members Together, our platform and what we’re doing for your branch.
Yours faithfully,
Denise Thomas
John Gray

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