The Regional Labour Party probably dreads the selection process for borough’s such as Newham since many, many members also feel driven to declare that they feel that there is a Councillors baton in their municipal kitbag.
The process is that you inform your local (CLP) secretary who informs the General Committee (GC), who informs the secretary of the Local Government Committee (LGC) who informs the regional Party. There is an inevitable form to fill out and then there will be a selection panel (composed of the Party “Great and Good” who are not from Newham).
If you are selected then you will have to be further selected by a quorate ward meeting that will vote to adopt you as their candidate. Of course then you have to be elected as Councillor by the public in the real elections!
A long and windy road.
Let’s see what happens. We need to get this selection process sorted as soon as possible and then successful candidates can start (or if already in post - continue) canvassing and campaigning.
God help Newham
I hope this won't mean you have to give up fighting the good fight in UNISON? Good luck with the selection anyway.
great news
youll enjoy it
Heres a piece that is in this weeks Private Eye Rotten Boroughs on Page 13.Newham Councillors huh.............
Last month Newham council voted in favour of allowing London City Airport to increase flights from 80,000 to 120,000 a year - an extra 150 flights a day. The protests of east London residents worried about noise , pollution and global warming were brushed aside. Anti-airport campaigners were dismayed at the about-turn of London mayor Boris Johnson, who had said he opposed the airport's expansion and then said he was actually in favour of it.
Newham labour councillor and City Airport consultative committee member Alec Kellaway is a big supporter of the airport, faithfully following the line of Newham mayor "Sir" Robin Wales that it is "good for jobs" and helps regenerate the area. Alas , very little of the business that comes through the airport actually stays in the borough - although there are oppurtunities for cleaners.
City Airport earlier this year hired big-hitting PR firm Hill & Knowlton to spin its case. H&K is owned by the US media/PR conglomerate WPP - in which according to Newham council's register of members interests , Cllr Alec Kellaway happens to own shares worth more than £25,000. No conflict of interest there , then.
What do you think you will bring to the post..
Hi Councillor to be. Well done John, The first step in newham then the UK, prime minister Gray, Well we live in hope..........
P,S Monty as got to be the home secretary, and I'll like to be minister of sick-leave
Hi Anon1
Oh dear...
Hi Andrew
Thanks for that and No if I am selected/elected I will not be giving up the good fight in UNISON.
Hi Anon3
Ta very much!
Hi Anon 4
Welcome to the dirty world of politics I suppose. What a really silly story. Of course City Airport brings good jobs to Newham. Admittedly, depending on wind direction I do get inbound planes overhead which occasionally wake me up at 6am. WPP is the world biggest advertising company, employing over 110,000, a top FTSE 100 company worth billions of pounds. My pension fund, in fact all pension and insurance funds hold or have held shares in WPP. The idea that Alec supports the Airport because of his shareholding is simply moronic and shows a depth of sheer ignorance and stupidity over financial affairs. There are valid arguments for and against the expansion. If Alec did not think that City airport expansion was on balance good for Newham then he would not support it.
Hi Anon 5
Good point – Let me think about this.
Hi Paul
Thanks for your support. Consider it done (but don’t hold your breath).
I find it absolutely ironic that you claim that City Airport brings good jobs to Newham
600 (so far) Newham Unison Members are losing their jobs because of the move to Building 1000. Building 1000 has been vacant for 5 years because they could not find any business to take it on because of the airport. So Newham Council decided to. Did you know that Newham Councils OWN surveyors declared it was not fit for purpose as Newham got a private survey done which suddenly found it was.
And now you are saying that if a councillor doesnt think it would be good in balance - he wouldnt support it? Boy you have a lot to learn. I urge you - take a look into it.
Hi John
Good luck with the selection - and yes to your request about passing on details of the blog on Tigmoo - couldn't get the link to work though. Am now spurred on to blog more. Best wishes, LG
Hi Anon
By all means oppose the airport expansion but don't fool yourself by believing that such stuff and nonsense supports your cause.
Thanks for that and keep up the blogging.
Well John I really dont think you should be a councillor - to dismiss the a view on the airport as stuff and nonsense and say its a cause shows me you are not open to any other views. We have enough yes men on the council.I had high hopes for you but now just dont bother.You wont be getting my vote.Shame on you.
Post your CV John..that will answer all the critics of your suitability!
Hi Anon 1
Well, I’m not doing all that well am I? I’ve not even been selected yet for a seat and I’m already minus one! Mind you Anon, I don’t want your particular vote to be honest. There is a perfectly reasonable argument against airport expansion but you seem to think that the best way to promote this cause is by blatant untruths about jobs, imply corruption by councillors and a cock and ball conspiracy theory. Don’t you realise what damage you do for your cause? Do the difficult stuff and attack the ideas not the individuals.
Hi Anon 2
Actually I'm writing up my election address for UNISON regional elections so I'll post this nearer the event.
Hi Leftygirl - thanks for tigmoo mention, and sorry link broke on the comment I left you! Think you have a wrong John for part of your comment though. Besides our good host here, there are just too many union John bloggers out there!
but why not stand for UNISON NEC as well-or is that too right wing?
Hi Anon
UNISON NEC is a fine body of good comrades with a few ultra left bits and bobs.
One day maybe....
What! Jumping on the Nu Labour gravy train like the bunch of your weaselly councillor mates that are in Tower Hamlets.
Do you intend to give up your job with the Housing association? Oh my after all the hard work convincing everyone they will be better off with a RSL than staying with the council.
God help Newham lets hope the residents know what may be coming,
Hi Anon
I have just noticed your daft comment - Better late than never I suppose but - really, what weird, weird, weird do you actualy live in!
Not Planet Earth Comrade!
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