Saturday, July 13, 2024

Surgery, knocking up Little Ilford then phone banking for Beckton By election (both 18 July)


This morning I had my Councillor surgery in West Ham ward then cycled over to Little Ilford to go out and door knock for the Labour Candidate, Aktharul Alam. There are two By-elections next week on Thursday July 18. I joined my fellow UNISON member Alan Griffiths. 2 other Labour teams out canvassing.
We went to Warrior Square, which I am told is named after the famous Victorian Battleship, HMS Warrior, which was built nearby and is now in Portsmouth historic dockyard (which I have visited several times).
This was an overwhelmingly positive canvass. I think that residents realise that they need a local Labour Councillor, who can work with our newly elected local Labour MPs, to press the case for Newham, with a newly elected Labour Government. Makes sense.
Later that day I messed up on the timings of a canvass for our Labour Candidate in Beckton By-election, Blossom Young, so did some phone banking for her from home using the Labour Party "Dialogue" software. It is pretty frustrating process since so many telephone numbers are wrong but the 10 or so residents I managed to speak to were all Labour, which was positive.
If any London Labour activists can help out this week and on the day with our 2 by elections then please do. There is a problem with the link to Labour events website which I hope will be sorted out very soon.

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