Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Countdown to London 26 Mile Winter Walk 2024 - 24/25 days training days to go

I am taking part in a sponsored 26 mile walking marathon at the end of this month for the homelessness charity St Mungos with colleagues from work. 

Most of the recent holiday was spent walking in the Peak district which was good cross training but I only averaged around 13500 steps per day. For the 26 mile walking marathon I will have to complete around 55,000 steps. It should take between 6-8 hours of walking at a reasonable fast pace. 

I am trying to go out walking 3 times a day (early morning, lunch and evening) for short walks and plan longer ones in the weekends. Listening to BBC sounds on my headphones or making telephone calls is a great way to get some walking practice. 

Yesterday evening I went to Westfields to check out suitable walking footwear but could not find anything I like, so I might take part in my normal sports shoes but I think I will need more cushioning for concrete/tarmac. 

I am raising money via this Just Giving Page. Please consider sponsoring me if you can. 


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