Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Long Weekend of Hope for London

Just back from my local Labour Party EC meeting (via of course a local hostelry). At the meeting, which was mostly taken up with campaign issues, we had behind us a freshly delivered stack, several feet high, of tabloid style newsletters, supporting Ken Livingstone and the other Labour candidates.

Some wards had already started delivering the newsletters this evening, while others will start tomorrow morning (it’s a great way to get fit – why pay to join a gym when you could be a Labour Party canvasser!). My ward is being organised by our new, very efficient and enthusiastic 21 year old branch secretary!

Over the weekend we will deliver the newsletter in targeted areas across all 10 wards. Hopefully the weather will be kind. Next Tuesday the so-called “short campaign” begins (6 weeks?).

Also this Friday begins the “Weekend of Hope” organised by “Hope not Hate” the anti-BNP “Searchlight” organisation. Which is mobilising anti-Nazi volunteers across London to take part in events and hand out leaflets (and most importantly speak to people).

While on Monday 17 March it is the TULO Day of action, where trade unionists are encouraged to take specially designed trade union leaflets supporting Ken and the Labour candidates into work and give them to colleagues. We are also planning to leaflet railway stations and large office/factory buildings.

The London Mayor and GLA Election (and there are other important Council elections across the UK) will be in 7 weeks from tomorrow. Roll on May 2?


Anonymous said...

Lets get that vote out
and keep London clean

The London spirit of 1940

the fascists must never
Never Again !

Anonymous said...

..lets hope the socialists pay for their shameful wars..

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
I didn’t realise that Ken was a such a strong supporter of the wars!

Anonymous said...

Well your party is. Even Lady hodge voted for them?

John Gray said...

Hi Patrick
Is it Patrick R? I though it might be you! Surely there cannot be two such people with such views called Patrick..surely?

Anonymous said...

"Comment moderation" - is that the same as "censorship"? Surely not; the Labour Party are of course the great standard bearers of freedom - unless you are one of those people like Red Ken who prefer un-Islamic nutters to hard working respectable gay people. Still it makes a change fom cosying up to Communist/South American dictators.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to put your membership of the Lib Dems on your blog.
Yours helpfully

John Gray said...

“Comment Moderation” helps you stop spam comments (a million different ways to sell Viagra) and abusive, libel, swearing etc. I think that I have only rejected non-spam comments 3 or 4 times and have always posted why.

What are “un-Islamic” nutters? Not sure about the rest

John Gray said...

It has been “mentioned” once or twice. You forgot to mention your past membership of the SWP? (you class traitor you)