This is the title that I perfer to be used to describe the recent UNISON London Region AGM rather than the report by another blogger who clearly has "lost it" (in more ways than one).
My own personal blog. UNISON NEC member for Housing Associations & Charities, HA Convenor, London Regional Council Officer & Chair of its Labour Link Committee. Newham Cllr for West Ham Ward, Vice Chair of Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, Pension trustee, Housing & Safety Practitioner. Centre left and proud member of Labour movement family. Strictly no trolls please. Promoted by Luke Place on behalf of J.Gray, Newham Labour Group, St Luke’s Community Centre, E16 1HS.
Now now JOhn play nice :)
Youve still got to work with me on the regional committee remember :)
Actually the actual post is signed by jonboy (the post-Albanian Maoist?)
Ah but it's my blog u were having a dig at :)
Is this post albanian maoist that joined labour from the lib dems in order to vote for the war??
Sorry, Marshajane, but I was having a go at Jon's remarks on your blog, not your blog itself (although, come to think about it?)
Thank you for your constructive and well argued comments. I therefore expect you want me to argue something on the lines of "is this the post albanian maoist who associates with those who glories in the murder and torture of trade unionists"? Jon, you lost (in my personal view) the London UNISON regional elections, because you did not and cannot organise a majority of members in this region, therefore please stop whining.
Ah John But my calcualtions are that we have a majority on the regional Committee, feel free to prove me wrong
Not sure,I have spoken to members of the committee who were not on your slate and they have assured me privately that they do not support united left. However, I am sure that matters will be conducted in an comradely and constructive manner. Can't Wait!
John, I am not just referring to the regional council but too those elected from SOG’s, Young members and service groups who make up about half of the committee.
Anyway John, as new member of the committee I will let you into a secret, your fellow supporters (the members representatives, in you book) are rubbish at turning up to meetings.
Yep - I was referring to SOG etc them as well.
I am shocked at your suggestion that some members do not turn up to UNISON London Regional Committee meetings. This would so unlike all the other UNISON regional, branch, steward etc meetings. I wonder why this is so? I will be blogging something on this issue soon
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