Yesterday I received a couple of jolly emails from comrades, who told me that the blog site Socialist Unity, had a post by its editor, Andy Newman, suggesting that “Dave’s Part” and “John’s Labour blog” are responsible for the current split within diss-respect!
Apparently the SWP Central committee are claiming, that one of the major reasons for the split, is that SWP members (who “had gone native” and supported George Galloway) in early September 2007, had “leaked” very sensitive information to the deputy editor of the East London Advertiser, Ted Jeory. This is why they expelled a number of long standing SWPer's and led to a complete and utter breakdown of trust between the Central Committee and the Gorgeous one
The Socialist Unity post refers to a draft article being circulated by a SWP Central Committee member, Chris Harman (who apparently who was the model for a character in a play by Tariq Ali called “Nutty Shardman... who menaces others on the left with whom he has theoretical disagreements” – yep, this figures).
“Nutty” Harman implies that the leak was by the now expelled SWP member and Respect national officer, Rob “where has the money gone” Hoverman.
If true, then of course this would have significantly contributed to the breakup. However, “Socialist Unity” is now a “born again” fervent supporter of the Gorgeous one. They claim that the pure and honest Hoverman did not leak the information; Ted Jeory got it instead from my blog and Dave Osler’s.
“Ted [the journalist who wrote the article] confirmed that he had picked up the letter on two websites, one run by sad sectarian Dave Osler and the other by right wing Tower Hamlets New Labourite John Grey (moi?). Ted had also read comment on the letter on those websites and the key paragraph five was based on what he had read there”.
I think my post that he is referring to is “Respect is cursed; moribund; weak; exhausted; amateur, mismanaged; unhealthy, irresponsible…says Galloway “ 2 September 2007
No further comment on the sources of this post.
Of course, I personally would have been very pleased to have contributed in anyway to the break up of diss-respect. I have been told that I will be awarded the Order of the “Silver Ice Pick" for some old reason?
However, the duplicitous old rogue Galloway is still a MP for now. I still think he is doomed politically. He may have got rid of the SWP and got some new “useful idiots” such as “Socialist Unity” for now. However, I think that he will just “use and abuse” them and they will eventually, just like the SWP, retire hurt licking their wounds. I know this is really political “la la” land, but just check out the posts at Socialist Unity even a few months ago about Galloway, when they all hatred him. Now (1984-ish) he is their hero.
For example... “Even were .....Galloway to have a damascene conversion, would anyone on the activist left trust them?.
It’s equally ironic and enjoyable to see Andy Newman “defending” Rob Hoverman. When in the past Andy (bravely to be fair) published this very personal retort from Rob about him.....
Andy....."You were a complete tosser the last time you flickered on to my radar and clearly nothing has changed. Now flicker off.”
Apparently the SWP Central committee are claiming, that one of the major reasons for the split, is that SWP members (who “had gone native” and supported George Galloway) in early September 2007, had “leaked” very sensitive information to the deputy editor of the East London Advertiser, Ted Jeory. This is why they expelled a number of long standing SWPer's and led to a complete and utter breakdown of trust between the Central Committee and the Gorgeous one
The Socialist Unity post refers to a draft article being circulated by a SWP Central Committee member, Chris Harman (who apparently who was the model for a character in a play by Tariq Ali called “Nutty Shardman... who menaces others on the left with whom he has theoretical disagreements” – yep, this figures).
“Nutty” Harman implies that the leak was by the now expelled SWP member and Respect national officer, Rob “where has the money gone” Hoverman.
If true, then of course this would have significantly contributed to the breakup. However, “Socialist Unity” is now a “born again” fervent supporter of the Gorgeous one. They claim that the pure and honest Hoverman did not leak the information; Ted Jeory got it instead from my blog and Dave Osler’s.
“Ted [the journalist who wrote the article] confirmed that he had picked up the letter on two websites, one run by sad sectarian Dave Osler and the other by right wing Tower Hamlets New Labourite John Grey (moi?). Ted had also read comment on the letter on those websites and the key paragraph five was based on what he had read there”.
I think my post that he is referring to is “Respect is cursed; moribund; weak; exhausted; amateur, mismanaged; unhealthy, irresponsible…says Galloway “ 2 September 2007
No further comment on the sources of this post.
Of course, I personally would have been very pleased to have contributed in anyway to the break up of diss-respect. I have been told that I will be awarded the Order of the “Silver Ice Pick" for some old reason?
However, the duplicitous old rogue Galloway is still a MP for now. I still think he is doomed politically. He may have got rid of the SWP and got some new “useful idiots” such as “Socialist Unity” for now. However, I think that he will just “use and abuse” them and they will eventually, just like the SWP, retire hurt licking their wounds. I know this is really political “la la” land, but just check out the posts at Socialist Unity even a few months ago about Galloway, when they all hatred him. Now (1984-ish) he is their hero.
For example... “Even were .....Galloway to have a damascene conversion, would anyone on the activist left trust them?.
It’s equally ironic and enjoyable to see Andy Newman “defending” Rob Hoverman. When in the past Andy (bravely to be fair) published this very personal retort from Rob about him.....
Andy....."You were a complete tosser the last time you flickered on to my radar and clearly nothing has changed. Now flicker off.”
The thing that amazes me about this is that Chequeman and Kevin claim they were in the dark about Galloways intention to split and the arrangement with Miah and Jamaat.
On the funny dide though Chequeman has had to stop using Club Row to "Help George with his Media interests"
What a pair of oafs.
May you continue to wield the ice-pick of the sensible working class!
Glad to see you are backing Michael Gavan as well. A shame that Respect Renewal can't show HIM some respect by publishing a correct picture of him in their newspaper!
Hi Tim
I understand that Galloway always intended from the very beginning to dump the SWP at some stage. They are an electoral liability but useful at the time with providing PBI and money. The SWP eventually found this out, Galloway panicked at the rumours of an early General election and the rest is history.
Thanks Steven – I agree a shame, I wonder who that bloke is?
Hi John.
Spot on.
The arrangement with Abjol Miah was in place.
Abjol gets the numbers from the ELM and George backed him for Bethnal.
Chequeman and Kevin weren't in the loop.
Anything of substance with George gets referred upstairs to Ron McKay by the "Same Difference" couple.
Did you know Galloway was running his businesses out of Club Row?
Yuo right-wing New Labourite enemy of the working class!
Any look at Galloways record prior to the Respect love in showed that he was not of the Left
He had showed no intrest in opposing PFI or Foundation hospitals etc
Not involved in unions or the Left in Scotland
He was and remains someone with a great intrest in internal Arab conflict and how he can best use it for his own benefit
The SWP thought they could use him...We all said it would end in tears, just as we said the Scottish Socialist Party would.
But of course your an enemy of the working class John - bet that scares you, if only you had supported that last General strike call...you would be in Trot heaven
Hi Anon
Sorry, understand your argument about Galloway – not sure it is really true? However, I haven’t a clue what you are going on about being an “enemy of the working class”, calling for a “general strike” and “rot heaven”?
I suspect though that I am not really missing much by not knowing?
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