Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tenants told don't be rude about Councillors or face eviction!


I must admit that this article from "Nearly Legal" made me smile. Not that abuse and harassment isn't a serious issue in housing but having a tenancy condition saying you cannot be "derogatory" (showing a critical attitude and lack of respect for somebody towards Councillors is just daft and legally unenforceable. 

"They're making a list, they're checking it twice*

Author: Giles Peaker


Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council are proposing to amend their tenants’ secure tenancy agreements. Unfortunately, in their wisdom, they have decided to include a new tenancy condition as follows:

“You, people living with you and any visitors to your property must not use social media or any other form of communication to make false statements, abuse, threaten, harass or be derogatory towards Council employees, contractors, agents or councillors”

The explanatory document confirms the purpose of this condition, it is about:

Sandwell explanation

“Being clear that the Council will take action where social media is used to threaten, harass, abuse or make false statements towards Council employees, contractors, agents or councillors”.

Oh. Oh dear. Let’s start with the infelicitous drafting, which would appear to make it fine to make derogatory or ‘false’ statements about council employees or councillors, so long as the statements are not directed at (‘towards’) them.

And then, ‘false statements’? How is that to be established? Would the Council have to establish that the tenant/householder member/visitor made the statement knowing it was false (or at least being reckless as to whether it was false)? That is quite the evidential burden…

But there is the broader problem with the clause, which is its scope.

Just to be clear – in case that was needed –  no council employee, contractor, agent or indeed councillor should be threatened, harassed or abused. If that happens while they are doing a housing management role, there is already a perfectly good ground of possession – Housing Act 1985 Schedule 2, Ground 2(aa)

The tenant or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling-house— (…)

(aa) has been guilty of conduct causing or likely to cause a nuisance or annoyance to the landlord of the dwelling-house, or a person employed (whether or not by the landlord) in connection with the exercise of the landlord’s housing management functions, and that is directly or indirectly related to or affects those functions, (…)

But Sandwell’s clause is not limited to conduct in relation to the council’s housing management function. It seeks to make a tenant liable – as a condition of tenancy – for, as an example, a visitor to their home making a ‘false statement’ about a councillor. (Quite how a social media statement by a visitor could be tied to the tenant’s tenancy is another evidential question, but hey ho).  This, I think, very clearly extends beyond anything specifically tenancy related.

Those of us who’ve been doing this a few years have seen this before – attempts to use tenancy conditions to regulate behaviour unconnected with the property or the tenancy. There was, in particular, Wandsworth LBC’s tenancy condition attempting to make a tenant liable for any anti social behaviour committed by the tenant, their household or their visitors anywhere in the borough. That came to grief, quite rightly, the first time Wandsworth attempted to use it by bringing a claim for breach of tenancy conditions under ground 1 Housing Act 1985. The condition was ‘not an obligation of the tenancy’.

Aside from Sandwell’s dreadful drafting, there is this broader point – tenancy conditions should relate to the tenancy, the property and the locality. Imposing a general obligation not to be rude to councillors (on social media or otherwise) is not a tenancy related condition. I would fully expect it to be unenforceable by possession proceedings as being a personal obligation, not an obligation of the tenancy.

There are various other remedies available where council officers or councillors are being abused, threatened or harassed outside of the context of a housing management function. These should be used where necessary. Just don’t make the ineffective gesture of putting it in a tenancy agreement. That is not the place for policing behaviour in general.

*Too soon?

Monday, November 29, 2021

Socio-Economic Diversity Taskforce Networking Breakfast


This morning I had an early start to make my way to a "Networking Breakfast" at Mansion House in the City of London. This was the first such physical breakfast event I have attended since the start of the pandemic. Dispite the recent concerning news about the new Covid variant, Omicron, it was well supported.  I think at least 100 members of working groups or the advisory board attended. 

The Socio-Economic Diversity Taskforce is commissioned by the HM Treasury and led by the City of London. Check out more about the taskforce: https://lnkd.in/dUNYNtN #WhoGetsAhead "The City of London is leading a taskforce to boost socio-economic diversity at senior levels in UK financial and professional services"

I am a member of the advisory board on behalf of the Local Authority Pension Board Forum (LAPF) which represents nearly all UK Council Pension funds and Pools (some £300 billion of investments). 

It was good to hear from taskforce Chair Catherine McGuinness, and Co-Chairs @AndyHaldane, @Sandra Wallace, @VincentKeaveny and the Economic Secretary to the Treasury @JohnGlen

The Taskforce is carrying out a baseline survey and it is vital that enough employers fill out it out in order to get a robust survey. LAPFF will be encouraging all its funds managers and advisors to do so

Please complete this form. You can request also sample communicationsEmail socio-economicdiversity@cityoflondon.gov.uk if you can’t access Microsoft Forms or would like more information

The Taskforce have recently published its November newsletter, which features a podcast with the Lord Mayor. Please sign up to receive the next instalment and encourage your peers to sign up as well. The next edition will come out in January 2022. 

Final point is that the picture collage above does not really show how simply stunning Mansion House is, I have walked past the rather drab façade many times and did not realise what a treasure lies inside. 

I hope in the future that the Taskforce will bring about change and result in more young people from places such as Newham, visiting Mansion House in their own right as City of London professionals. 

Hat tip to the Corporation for photos. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Hanningfield Reservoir walk

Off message but recently Gill and I did this short (4 mile) walk starting and finishing at Hanningfield Reservoir in South Essex (near Chelmsford) about 40 minutes drive from Newham (public transport not good). Big Essex Skies. 

Check out Essex Pathfinder books. Will post more pictures on Facebook. 

A lovely walk despite typical British winter weather - sunshine, cloud and occasional rain. A bit muddy crossing fields. 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

UNISON and the Welsh labour movement, Mark Drakeford's speech

The First Minister helped to launch UNISON Cymru Wales' permanent exhibition in Cardiff on 18 November 2021.

Hat tip @LondonNurse2015

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Enough is enough, #VoteYes for a proper pay rise

Council and school workers deserve a fair and proper pay rise. UNISON is balloting members for strike action after members rejected a 1.75% pay rise. Tell employers that #EnoughIsEnough and #VoteYes for a proper pay rise. www.unison.org.uk/LGpay

Monday, November 22, 2021

London UNISON, Trade Union Congress & America Federation of Labour

Today I went to the Greater London Regional UNISON office for the first time in nearly 2 years (due to Covid) in order to support a member being interviewed virtually by their employer.  The office is in the historic Congress House, the home of the British Trade Union Congress (TUC). 

We were in the 1st floor UNISON "policy and media team" room. I noticed the above plaque and wondered what this room looked like and how it was used 66 years ago. 



Sunday, November 21, 2021

Double vaccinated and booster jabbed


This morning I got my Covid booster jab at my local chemist. I had booked an appointment (as over 50) here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/

The jab was on time and I did not actually feel any tenderness during the injection. No doubt there will probably be some tenderness tomorrow or other minor side effects but so far so good. Many thanks to Woodgrange Pharmacy Forest Gate for their polite and efficient service. I understand it also offers a "walk in" service for those eligible. 

Check out your local "walk in" facility here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/find-a-walk-in-coronavirus-covid-19-vaccination-site/

I fully accept that I may experience side effects from this jab. I understand the concern expressed by some that the Covid vaccines were brought in comparatively very quickly compared with other vaccines and that I may still catch and suffer from Covid despite all these vaccinations. 

However, I am satisfied that the risk of any serious side effects are tiny when compared to risk of catching Covid. That there has been sufficient independent and expert research into the safety of these vaccines. 

Research has shown that by being fully vaccinated I am less likely to catch Covid, to suffer serious illness or death and to spread the disease to my friends, colleagues and loved ones. 

Check out this British Heart Foundation website advice which I thought was independent and authoritative https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/covid-booster-vaccine#Heading3

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Ringing West Hammers about Boris & 2 Job MPs


This afternoon I was supposed to go out knocking on doors and speaking to residents with our MP, Lyn Brown. However, it was cancelled, so instead I decided to ring residents in the ward I represent as a Councillor, West Ham. 

I used the Labour Party telephone survey app called "Dialogue". All you need to do is to register with your Labour Party membership  account, then have a laptop, tablet or computer with internet access and a phone (preferably a landline which is much cheaper to the Party but you can use a mobile phone). It is completely free for members to use if you have access to unlimited internet. 

I started ringing late Saturday afternoon which I have not done before but thought it would be a good time to ring. The first person I spoke to was very suspicious about why we were ringing since she had lived in the area for 30 years and never had a phone call before from her local Councillor. I assured her that while telephone contact was relatively new, we had knocked on her door at least once every 4 years for the 3 terms I have been her Councillor. 

Interestingly, the suggested script for this call asked for views on the MPs second jobs scandal and views on the Tories and Boris Johnson. 

Her response was that she was not aware of this issue and had not heard anything. Which I thought was surprising but maybe indicated to me that we need to be careful of how issues important to our political bubbles are not of interest to our residents?

However, the next person I managed to speak to was fully aware of this scandal and furious about it. Despite cooking a meal for her family, she made it clear what she thought of Boris Johnson. She had 2 jobs and worked long hours but that was only because her pay was so low. 

She told me that she was cooking Chicken, Avocado with Jellof rice and invited me to join her family for the meal! Sadly I had to decline due to a prior commitment but next time! 

While the next person was quite direct and made it clear that not only was he not a supporter of the Labour Party ("and never will") but that he did not even live in Newham. So I had to apologise for contacting him and made sure that I updated the system to make clear that this telephone number was wrong and not to be used. 

Most answered calls were not contentious and while residents were all pretty busy and many not able to complete the full survey but I was able to input I believe 25 survey results which is not bad and a majority of those who responded said they also support Labour. 

I had to stop after a technical problem with Dialogue which meant for some reason that I could not continue to ring people, which I could not overcome but overall I thought it had gone well.   

Friday, November 19, 2021

Birthday drinks and curry 2011 & 2021

Top picture was from last night and bottom was 2011. Monty, Trev, Dave and I used to work for Tower Hamlets Council Housing. We were also UNISON activists. Thanks to Aromas Restaurant in Forest Gate for great food now and then. 

Lots of reminiscing and putting the world to rights.  

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Damp and Mould - It's not lifestyle.


This is spot on. As a Housing officer and a Councillor, I have been arguing this point as long as I can remember. The stock response of telling all residents it is always their "fault" for damp and mould due to their "lifestyle" is simply wrong. This is a cross tenure issue including many private landlords.

Hat tip Giles Peaker from "Nearly Legal"

"The Housing Ombudsman has released a special spotlight report addressing the issue of damp and mould, called "Spotlight on: Damp and mould. It’s not lifestyle"

It is the result of both the media spotlight on social housing conditions (ITV News with Dan Hewitt prominent amongst them), and what is described as "the high uphold rate and reoccurring reasons leading to maladministration" in the Ombudsman's case work. (Of 410 complaints investigated, 56% resulted in findings of maladministration, 501 orders were made to put something right with 288 additional recommendations, and £123,094.57 in compensation was ordered across 222 cases, with sums over £1,000 being ordered in 21 cases.)

There is a league table of the worst performers, councils and housing associations, with some reaching maladministration findings in 91% of investigated complaints (A2 Dominion since you asked).

There are 26 recommendations, all aimed at moving social landlords from a reactive to a proactive approach, and improving their complaints and response systems.

The whole is well worth reading. There are inevitably, given that this comes from the Ombudsman, some bits that claimant lawyers will disagree with (the Ombudsman is generally not keen on tenants taking legal action). For example, in a section on the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018, the report says

This is not necessarily the most effective route to resolution for residents as some registered providers will settle the claim out of court while the underlying disrepair issue remains outstanding.

I'd have to say if that was allowed to happen, the tenant's lawyers would be at fault. Any settlement should of course include an enforceable commitment for repairs, within a set period. Sadly, enforcement action then has to be taken quite often when the landlord doesn't carry out or complete works, but at least enforcement is possible, unlike an Ombudsman decision/order.

But this is a niggle in what is otherwise a well considered report, with recommendations that all social landlords should indeed put into practice.

In a passage that will no doubt raise applause from a lot of affected tenants, and those who act for them, the Ombudsman says:

This leads to the most sensitive area – the inference of blame on the resident and the associated onus on them when it is often not solely their issue. Our call for evidence revealed an immense frustration and sense of unfairness at the information residents are sometimes provided by landlords about issues like condensation and mould. This reoccurred so often it is appropriate to call it systemic. I met with residents who spoke about feeling patronised, even stigmatised. While I appreciate this is not intended, I would urge engagement with residents to review communication and literature, working together with them to co-design meaningful advice that shares responsibility and supports them at a distressing time. In doing so I hope the word ‘lifestyle’, when it may be a consequence of limited choices, is banished from the vernacular.

The routine refusal by landlords to accept that there are issues with a property, and to blame the tenant for the problems ('open the windows, keep the heating on, keep the bathroom and kitchen door closed' etc etc.) has been a huge issue for getting damp and mould dealt with. (It also doesn't make practical sense if the bathroom and/or kitchen aren't provided with adequate ventilation. It just ensures mould in those areas).

It is perhaps unfortunate timing for them that in the same week as the report, a housing association, Housing For Women, released a guide to tenants for 'Managing Mould and Condensation' which states, at page 2

"Making sure your home is free of mould and damp is not only important for your health, but it is also your responsibility as a tenant."

The Ombudsman's recommendations might have some way to go to being realised...

PS . ITV News Dan Hewitt has an interview with the Ombudsman on the report here

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Good and The Bad - UNISON Labour Link & Self Organisation

Excellent news yesterday about the UNISON National Labour Link committee elections.

"Congratulations to my UNISON friends and colleagues Linda Hobson and Sian Stockham on being elected as Chair and Vice Chair of the UNISON National Labour Link Committee.

 Especially happy to see Sian as one of the Wales NEC members flying the flag for Cymru/Wales.

As chair of UNISON Cymru/Wales Labour Link committee looking forward to working with both of you".

Hat tip Dan Beard.

However, today we find that the ultra left in UNISON NEC tried to destroy our members right to self organisation

"Felt very uncomfortable today by proposals by some on UNISON’s NEC, including a Vice President, that nominations made by our elected Self Organised Groups of who UNISON’s representatives on the TUC Women’s Committee and TUC Disabled Members Committee and the motions they agreed to submit to these conferences should be overturned by NEC.

I strongly argued against and said this was a very dangerous road to be going as it sounded like our Policy Committee knew what was good for women and disabled members rather than the women and disabled members themselves.

At the end it was agreed to remit for further discussion but if this is Time for Change I believe it is time for our members to challenge this change. The leading voice for Women, Disabled, Black and LGBTI+ members are those people themselves

Hat tip Gordon Mckay (former UNISON President and current NEC member). 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Labour's Fair Pay Agreements (winning back support from working class voters)

This evening I enjoyed a tasty curry in Whitechapel with a UNISON comrade. During which we discussed how Labour Leader, Keir Starmer, can win back economic left minded but often socially conservative working class voters.

I have been meaning since Party Conference to post on the progressive employment policies announced by Deputy Leader, Angela Rayner, which I think we all ought to be banging the drum about more. The aim is to end poverty working and insecure employment for 31 million workers.  It will also bring back working class support for Labour. After recent electoral disasters in "Red Wall" heartlands we must have a radical but believable economic "left" offer. 
  • Fair Pay Agreements which will be negotiated through sectoral collective bargaining – starting in the adult social care sector.
  • An immediate increase to the minimum wage to at least £10 per hour for all workers. Eradicating in-work poverty by tackling the structural causes of poverty and ensuring that the future National Living Wage is adequate and addresses increases in the cost of living.
  • The creation of a single status of ‘worker’ for all but the genuinely self-employed so all workers have the same rights and protections, including rights to sick pay, holiday pay, parental leave and protection against unfair dismissal from day one on the job.
  • The right to flexible working for all workers as a default from day one, alongside the ‘right to switch off’ outside of working hours.
  • A ban on zero-hours contracts and an end to ‘one-sided flexibility’, with all workers having the right to a regular contract and predictable hours, reasonable notice of any changes in shifts of working hours and wages for cancelled shifts paid in full.
  • Increasing Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) and making it available to all workers, including the self-employed and those on low wages currently excluded by the lower earnings limit for eligibility.
  • Ending fire and rehire.
  • Extending statutory parental leave, introducing the right to bereavement leave, strengthening protections for pregnant women, and reforming the failed Shared Parental Leave system.
  • Updating trade union legislation so it is fit for a modern economy and so working people have strengthened rights and are empowered to organise collectively.
  • Overhauling enforcement of rights and protections by establishing a single enforcement body to enforce workers’ rights, inspect workplaces and bring prosecutions and civil proceedings on behalf of workers against bad employers relating to health and safety, minimum wage, worker exploitation and discriminatory practices.
  • Introducing mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting to mirror gender pay gap reporting, and a new requirement on employers to report and eliminate pay gaps through the implementation of action plans to eradicate inequalities in the workplace.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Standing as a Labour and Co-operative Candidate in May 2022

Hat tip to Neil Wilson our Newham secretary, Co-op Party from London Region.

Standing as a Labour & Co-operative candidate

We are really keen to ensure we maintain a large number of Labour & Co-operative councillors following the local elections next year. We are working with our new regional organiser, John Cook, to help make this happen. Here are some things we're asking branches to do:

- Encourage any sitting Labour & Co-operative Councillors who are re-standing to get in touch with the National Party if they wish to re-stand as Labour & Co-operative. This is not an automatic process - candidates need to seek endorsement of the Co-operative Party even if they were elected on the joint ticket last time around. They can do this by signing up to the Candidate Development Programme.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Remembrance Sunday at Wickham Market


Off message but this weekend Gill and I were away in Suffolk for a special family wedding. Normally on Remembrance Sunday, we would have attended the service today at All Saints, West Ham, with local Councillors and our MP, Lyn Brown. 

This morning, after packing up at our holiday cottage, we went to the local service in (by coincidence) All Saints, Wickham Market, Suffolk. 

It is also a beautiful ancient church (although at "only" 700 years it is not as old as All Saints, West Ham). 

The service was respectful, well delivered and thoughtful. What was most striking to me was that a British Army officer in full uniform, read out all the names of the villagers killed in World War One and World War Two. 

While as dreadful as the World War two casualty list was, the huge and staggering number of dead from the conflict 1914-1918 must have simply decimated the numbers of young men in this rural village. How many more who survived must have suffered life changing injuries both physical and mental? 

After the service, wreaths were laid at the war memorial outside the Church followed by refreshments at the British Legion club. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Defend your union from those who want to destroy it.

Defend your union from those who want to destroy it. Please donate what you can and watch this space about what more you can do to save our union.


"UNISON democracy is under attack. We are raising funds for our campaign to save our democracy and give UNISON members a voice. #fightbackforUNISON". 

Maureen Le Marinel
Former UNISON President.

Check out further information 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

103rd Anniversary of Armistice Day at East Ham Cenotaph

This morning I laid a wreath on behalf of Newham Councillors at the Cenotaph in Central Park, East Ham. My colleague, Cllr Carleene Lee-Phakoe, Cabinet lead for Brighter Futures, had firstly laid a wreath on behalf of the Council.

It was a very well organised and moving ceremony. Many thanks to the British Legion, Newham Catholic Deanery Schools, Historians and Newham Council events team.

I will remember the many marvelous speeches, songs, prayers and contributions but will never forget the toddler who had escaped her mum to wander in front of the cenotaph during the two minutes silence and later was trying to copy The Reveille trumpeter by blowing into a rolled up programme.

The main shadow in the picture is that of our Newham Deputy Lieutenant, John Barber, in his full uniform.

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

UNISON lay leadership in East Midlands "tell it as it is" on attempt to destroy our unions democracy & sack our General Secretary

Well done the East Midlands Regional Convenor Team for this. A number of other Regional Teams have sent similar advice to branches. The Greater London Regional Convenor Team (which I am one of) sent a request to the new "Presidential team" and the London NEC members asking them to explain their actions.

Of course we never got even the courtesy of an acknowledgement, never mind a reply.

This is an attempt to sack Christina, our recently elected first ever female general secretary, destroy our union's ability to defend members and hand it over to ultra left political extremists

"Dear Branch Secretary 

 We are writing to you following a letter circulated last week by signatories representing the ‘Time for Real Change’ faction currently in control of the UNISON NEC. 

 We have no desire to enter ‘tit for tat’ letters game but some glaring omissions could result in inaccurate assumptions being reached if not corrected. 

What’s in Dispute? 

 As you are probably aware ‘Time for Real Change’ voted to approve 6 motions at the last NEC meeting. The motions are largely designed to achieve two objectives. Firstly, the NEC is attempting to subvert a set of rules that relate to holding of office in circumstances where a member ceases to be a ‘full member’ of the union. 

Their motion turns the existing set of rules on their head creating a set of new conditions that will allow activists, as distinct from members, to maintain elected of office in the event they are dismissed and no longer remain in employment. The motion not only creates an unhelpful division where activists and members are treated differently but fails to safeguard against the type of dismissals that most reasonable people might regard as being entirely justified. 

For example, under the motion adopted by ‘Time for Real Change’ a member elected to a national committee, who was subsequently dismissed for bullying and harassment of female colleagues, would automatically retain their seat even when most ordinary members might regard their behaviour being inconsistent with a national union role. 

 We think that’s a bad rule change but whether you think it good or bad is to an extent slightly missing the point. Rules in our union can only be amended National Delegate Conference. 

The NEC can interpret rules where there is doubt, conflict or dispute. But it does not have the power to simply take a rule and overturn it because they disagree with it, or they find it represents an unhelpful obstruction to their own interests. 

 To allow this to happen is to condone a direct attack on the democracy of our union. Secondly, the remaining motions when taken together amount to little more than a crude attempt to confirm power and control in the hands of the ‘Time for Real Change’ faction. 

Sadly it’s not a surprise, but the time trodden route of entryist movements, a tactic used to steer organisations along a route of ultraleft ideology. 

But we’re not a political party to be infiltrated but a democratic union who’s rules protect the rights of all union members. Power in our union has always been shared to guarantee that everyone has a voice. 

It isn’t an accident that our rules are structured this way it was intentional to guarantee that we remain representative of our members not dominated by one strand of opinion or interest. 

Service Group Executives hold responsibility for bargaining and industrial issues. The NEC oversees the strategic direction of the union, setting our priorities and delivering on conference policy. And our General Secretary, Christina McAnea, has been elected by our members to lead our union. Each hold power in their own right. 

But our culture has been one of partnership where all sections of the union work together operating collectively as a unit working in the interests of our members. 

 The motions are deliberately designed to alter the role of the General Secretary reducing Christina from an elected Leader to that of a Chief Executive. Paid to do what she is told by her political masters ‘Time for Real Change’. 

Not only does this of end our members who overwhelmingly voted for her to be General Secretary but it serves to tighten the ultra-lefts grip on control of the union. 

 Legal Advice 

 The Union initially obtained legal opinion to determine if the NEC had the power to adopt the motions from Barrister Stuart Brittenden. He said the NEC were acting ‘ultra vires’ or outside of their powers. 

‘Time for Real Change’, as their email explains, obtained legal opinion from Lord Hendy QC who disagreed with Bittenden. In the opinion of Hendy QC the NEC could legitimately act to pass the motions. What ‘Time for Real Change’ conveniently omitted from their letter is that the Union obtain a third legal opinion this time from Michael Ford QC who is arguable the foremost authority on such matters. Ford QC disagreed with both Brittenden and Hendy QC. 

Well, there’s a surprise, three lawyers all of whom disagree with each other! 

Ford QC thought two of the motions [1] [4] were of insignificance and therefore didn’t consider their effect. On the remaining four he decided two were ‘ultra vires’ and the remaining two required further investigation. 

 Motion 2 is the motion that drains Christina McAnea of her powers. He found it to be ultra vires stating: “the motion [sic] would be at odds with the Rules and how the post is portrayed to the membership if a permanent committee of the NEC could strip her of her most important functions or subject her to control in her day-to-day activities.” 

 “The members voted for the General Secretary in a large national ballot, in the knowledge of the importance of that post. Not all members of the NEC are appointed by national ballot and, perhaps more significantly, there is no membership ballot for the office of President or Vice-President, who are elected from within the NEC to what are described as honorary posts. 

Yet, on the natural reading of resolution (2), the Presidential Team has now replaced the important functions of the General Secretary (or is able to exercise day-to-day direction and control over her work). This seems an unlikely result from the perspective of the ordinary member.” 

 He also found Motion 6 ultra vires. The motion protects the right of activist dismissed by their employer to retain office. He said: “The effect of the resolution is, therefore, that a member dismissed by their employer (a) continues to be a member until the NEC decides otherwise or he or she resigns; and (b) continues (i) to be eligible to hold office and (iii) to hold any existing office unless and until the NEC decides otherwise or the member resigns. 

“This resolution runs counter to the existing meaning and effect of the Rules.” 

Whether Hendy or Ford are ultimately proved right would be a matter for the courts which, we might add, would come at great expense to the union. Isn’t it far better that such matters are resolved by us, UNISON members and activists, using our internal democratic structures? 

 If ‘Time for Real Change’ want to introduce a new rule to preserve the rights of dismissed NEC members, or they wish to redefine the role of the General Secretary, they have the power to bring NEC rule amendments to NDC 2022. Conference can then decide the merits of the respective arguments with the benefit opposing sides setting out their case. 

 Finally, we would repeat our request for a special meeting of Regional Council to debate these matters so all members hear a full exchange of opinion on what is an important issue for the future of our union. If you have not already done so join our call by writing to our Regional Secretary, Chris Jenkinson, c.jenkinson@unison.co.uk. 

 Thank you in anticipation of your solidarity.

Thank you in anticipation of your solidarity.

Roz Norman (Joint Regional Convenor) Chris Tansley (Joint Regional Convenor), James Minto (Deputy Regional Convenor) Emma Proctor (Deputy Regional Convenor) Lynn Booth (Deputy Regional Convenor)

Monday, November 08, 2021

Just booked my Covid booster jab

I have just booked my booster jab on line. It took me about 5 minutes and all your need is to be registered with a GP, your NHS number (but if don't have it you can still register but takes slightly longer), your date of birth and post code. 

There are walk-in clinics available for those who are NOT registered with a GP https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/find-a-walk-in-coronavirus-covid-19-vaccination-site/

Since I am over 50 (yes, I know you don't believe it) you can book in advance of the 6 month "milestone" anniversary of when you had your 2nd jab. 

But you still have to wait for the actual milestone to actually get the booster jab.

At the moment there was a very large number of local slots to choose from. I was able to book a local chemist at a time that suits me on the actual 6 month anniversary day. 

This may not last so get booking. 

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Trotsky, the Bolshevik Revolution & me

Today is the 142nd birthday of Leon Trotsky and the 104th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution (aka as the October Revolution due to the Russian Gregorian calendar). 

A great music video from my misspent youth.

By coincidence it is also my birthday. Many thanks to all the kind comments on Facebook. 

Saturday, November 06, 2021

HMS Warrior: West Ham Iron Battleship

The first British Royal Navy iron clad ship now in Portsmouth harbour but constructed in Bow Creek, West Ham. 


Friday, November 05, 2021

ABBA Voyage

Listening to album for first time with glass of red wine. Happy.


Thursday, November 04, 2021

Happy Diwali - Festival of Lights

This evening my ward Councillor colleague, John Whitworth and I, continued our street surgeries in West Ham ward while enjoying the the spectacular firework displays. 

Some very interesting conversations with residents, such as whether we will can enable district heating systems for the area, council charges to youth organisations for community spaces, compensation for victims of dog attacks and abuse of parking outside West Ham park entrance. We will follow up. 

A first today was that a resident, who I had never met previously recognised me and said he followed me on twitter! 

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

TUC Diploma in Contemporary Trade Unionism

I am currently near the end of an excellent TUC Diploma course on Employment Law so will need a rest from studying in January but maybe another time...

"We thought you might be interested in the attached course which will run over a year  aimed at experienced union reps and employees of affiliate unions.

Ideal as Professional Development and for activists wanting to develop their knowledge or wishing to progress to Higher Education.

All applicants will be expected to have already completed a number of union training courses. On completion of the course, successful candidates will receive the TUC Level 2 Diploma in Contemporary Trade Unionism. The course will be delivered in the classroom or online using Moodle and Microsoft Teams, with a live lesson between each week between 6pm and 9pm. The course will run for 36 weeks (with breaks during the school holidays).

For information more information on how to apply please email tued@conel.ac.uk. Feel free to distribute via your networks.

Delivered by: College of Haringey Enfield and North East London,
London N15
Term Dates: 18th Jan 2022-16th Dec 2022
11th Jan – 8th Feb 2022
H/T Tuesday 15th Feb 2022
22nd Feb – 29th Mar 2022
Easter break
26th Apr – 24th May 2022
H/T 1 st June
7th June - 19th July 2022
Summer break
6th Sept – 18th oct 2022
H/T 25th oct
8th Nov – 13th Dec 2022
Fees: Free
How to apply: Online at https://www.tuc.org.uk/TUCcourses"

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

New Covid home tests - nostrils not throat

Before a work meeting today I took today a home based lateral flow test using the new kits. In the past you had to swab your throat as well as one nostril. Now you only have to swab both nostrils and not your throat.

It was always pretty unpleasant for me to swab the back of your throat (it would usually make me "gag" a little) so I think that this new development will mean lots more people self testing. 

Also, easier to use since the "extraction buffer tube" is now pre filled with the testing liquid and you only have to wait 15 minutes for the result.

To order a pack go online to https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests


Monday, November 01, 2021

Solidarity Telecanvassing Little Ilford & Marked Register Training in St John's

A busy day on Saturday. I joined a virtual (using Labour Party dialogue software) telecanvassing session in Little Ilford in the morning from home (now up to 1299 calls for this year). 

Ironically I had to deal with a problem that my broad band provider was blocking "dialogue" from connecting  to me so I had to register the number on my telephone number "safe list". I  imagine this may explain why some members cannot use this telecanvass service.

In the afternoon I joined colleagues for a training event in a hired room in St John's Church Stratford, on entering election data from the "marked register" (a photocopy sheet which shows if a ballot paper was issued to a resident at a polling station during a recent election). 

This information has to be uploaded manually, which is a pain but it is really important to know who actually votes in elections. This information obviously does not disclose how they voted and is open to all political parties (who have to pay for this data). 

I am hoping that this training will be made available to Labour Party activists across Newham.