Monday, August 22, 2022

Wedding of Anika with Naim

I was honoured to be a guest this evening at the wedding of the eldest daughter Anika of my Newham colleague, Cllr Abul Bashar Syed (also a fellow Union activist with the CWU) and Mrs Niheli Syeda (Shemoli). 

It was a lovely meal and great to meet up with so many friends and colleagues to celebrate Anika and Naim's wedding. 

On my table there was a number of interesting guests such as Billy Hayes, former General Secretary of the CWU with whom I had a conversation about the religious origins of Everton FC (he is not a supporter but put to right a theory that a Uncle had once told me).

I will be asking Syed about how we can in Newham offer solidary support for the forthcoming CWU strikes. 

Many thanks to the staff of the City Pavilion for looking after us so well. 

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