Thursday, November 09, 2017

Greater London UNISON Regional Council AGM 2017 nomination requests

Dear UNISON Colleague,

It’s that time again as we approach the forthcoming Regional Council AGM on Wednesday 7 February 2018.

It’s not been an easy year but on behalf of us, your Regional Council Officers (Conroy, John, Elizabeth and Francesca), thank you for all your support.  As always we are extremely proud of all the region has achieved on behalf of our members and grateful for your ongoing support.

We shouldn't fool ourselves that there aren’t many challenges ahead and our priorities for the coming 12 months will include:

Smashing the pay cap for ALL public sector workers

•Defending our NHS

•Protecting workers rights as we exit the EU

•Securing a Labour victory with Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister before 2020 and across London Councils in May 2018

We must ensure we continue to build a strong union that always put our member’s interests first.  We remain committed to working with you to build  membership democracy & participation and campaigning tirelessly to defend members and services from attacks wherever they may arise. Our collective strength, unity and determination are our greatest strength.

We hope your branch will consider nominating us.  The positions we are seeking nomination for are:

Regional Convenor – Yvonne Green                 Publicity Convenor – Francesca Hammond

Deputy Convenor – Conroy Lawrence              Equalities Convenor – Elizabeth Baptiste

Finance Convenor – John Gray

Please return the nomination form to Nick Turnbull in the Regional Office on or before 14 December. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and your continued support

Yvonne, Conroy, John, Elizabeth and Francesca.

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