Friday, August 14, 2015

UNISON Capital Stewards Website

I have just signed into the new UNISON website for Capital Stewards and will start posting some links and articiles over the next few days. The site is currently only for UNISON activists and is password protected. If you are a UNISON pension trustee or Local Government Pension scheme Committee or Board member, you can apply for access via your UNISON regional contact.

This is the introduciton on the site "Capital Stewards has been designed as a knowledge and campaigning unit for trade union activists. Here you will find materials, films and news that will help you understand the world of pension funds, investing and broader economic ideas. Around the world pension funds and their representatives are making investments and engaging on a wide range of issues from worker's rights and pay to the environment".

The Youtube video "its our Money - the Power of Pension Funds" explains more about capital stewardship.

Hat tip Mr Meech

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