Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Ken helps mobilise Labour Vote outside London

This evening I went to an "eve of poll" telephone canvass bank at the Labour Party headquarters in Victoria. This was hosted by Labour London Mayor Candidate, Ken Livingstone. 

This year there is no elections in London. The London Labour Party has twinned CLP's with target seats in Councils outside London.

The telephone bank on the ground floor was packed. I understand that the much bigger one upstairs was also full of Party members who had also volunteered to help out.
I was ringing voters in Kent. The response was very, very good. There seems to be an appetite out there for people to send the Tories and the Lib Dems a powerful message. Or "a good kicking" as one person I spoke to tonight put it. When I suggested to a voter that the indications are that it will be really close. She responded sharply by saying "What do you mean it will be close. We are going to win!"

I also spoke to a retired UNISON member who told me proudly that his Labour Link poster was in his front window.

Ken came around and thanked activists for their support (see college).  The star of the show was of course the lovely and very well behaved (guide?) dog who slept under the chair throughout (top left of college). 

Update: We were canvassing voters in Dover/Deal in Kent.  Labour increased its seats by 4 but the Tories still control the Council.  The Lib Dems were wiped out.  Two of the new Cllrs are the Mum and Dad of former Tower Hamlets Cllr, Clair Hawkins, who I met in 2006 when they were helping Clair canvass in Mile End and Globe Town ward. 

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