Monday, February 22, 2010

Gotta a pension? Wanna save the planet? Give just 2 mins to BP & Shell Tar Sands Campaign

A few weeks ago I went to a planning meeting organised by Fair Pensions which was held at Amnesty International headquarters in Shoreditch. Fair Pensions had done an excellent job on organising trade unions, charities and NGO’s to join together in submitting shareholder resolutions at the company AGMs of oil giants BP and Shell over Tar Sands exploitation.

Check out links here why so many think this process is so wrong. In a nutshell it’s ecologically an extremely dubious process to extract oil which will devastate the local environment and result in 3x as much carbon emissions as other sources of oil. Because of carbon emissions costs, reputational risk and legal costs this it is a real potential threat to shareholders investments in BP/Shell. It just doesn’t make sense to continue.

If you have a pension policy you can click here on the Fair Pensions web site and within minutes send an email to your pension trustees asking them to support the shareholder resolutions. I have 4 diffferent pension policies I can chase.

If you don’t have a pension policy then you can email via this site major investors in BP and Shell about your concerns.

Go for it.

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