Saturday, December 13, 2008

Newham Young Labour

This is a plug for its first meeting this Tuesday 16 December 7.30pm in the Golden Grove Pub in Stratford, E15. All Labour members who live in Newham are invited. “Young at heart” members are also welcome (but don’t worry I won’t be there to spoil the fun).

You can also join their Newham Young Labour “facebook” group. Ellie who is the West Ham CLP Youth and Student officer (and hopefully a future Newham Councillor) is helping to organise the event with her East Ham counterpart David.

The Picture is of young (and not so young) Newham Labour Party members “on the knocker” during the London GLA elections in May. Young activists worked their socks off for the Party and helped significantly increase the Labour vote – see details here

Old and New - The pub is only a few hundred yards away from the Old Stratford Town Hall, from whose balcony overlooking the main road, Keir Hardie, was proclaimed as the first ever Labour Party MP in 1892.


  1. Have you seen the latest on the Trade Unionists for John (McDonnell) webpage? Shocking stuff.

  2. To be young and a supporter of the Labour Party in 2008?

    Now that's what I call youthful rebellion.

  3. Hi Anon

    I was going to post on it but thought - there but the grace of....

    Hi Darren

    New Labour Red is the New Black.
