Friday, June 30, 2023

Newham Voices:July 2023


Just enjoyed reading our free online Community Newspaper "Newham Voices". Amongst many interesting articles and reports, my favourite this month was the review of the "Golden Fleece" Pub in Manor Park. Which I can still just about remember going into for the first time - 35 years ago. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

"No worker should have the cost of their DBS check deducted from their payslip..."


It is simply incredible that some employers require DBS checks to be paid by their low paid employees!!!! Congratulations to London UNISON Voluntary organisations branch for their campaigning on this topic and for this new survey of UNISON members to find out more about the scale of the problem. 

"No worker should have the cost of their DBS check deducted from their payslip, especially during a #costofliving crisis.

If you are a @unisontheunion  member, please take two minutes to complete our survey to support our campaign. 💪


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

"What lies ahead for housing associations with pension obligations?"


So check out this report by (pay wall) May 24 2023 that DB pensions obligations "likely to have reduced by more than 50%" and due to surpluses in the Local Government Pension schemes "We expect significant reductions in net balance sheet FRS 102 obligations"

So why is Clarion Housing Group wanting to close its DB Pension provision, breaking legal promises to its staff and condemning them to poverty in their old age? No wonder there will be a strike ballot next week.

"There is a lot for housing associations to consider this year end with respect to defined benefit (DB) pensions accounting.

This is set against the context of rising interest rates and DB pension obligations likely to have reduced over the year to 31 March 2023 by more than 50 per cent.

The net balance sheet position, however, will be very dependent on a scheme’s investment strategy and how the supporting assets have fared over what has been a very volatile year.

First of all, the income and expenditure (I&E) service cost for the 2023-24 financial year is likely to fall for those still open to the build-up of new DB benefits.

This could perhaps be by as much as 60 per cent or more, but the change in interest cost is again dependent on investment strategy and the net deficit or surplus position.

However, there are a number of factors to be considered depending on the circumstances of the housing association, including those set out below.

Divergence between LGPS and SHPS

With asset values holding relatively steady for those in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), we expect significant reductions in net balance sheet FRS 102 obligations for many housing associations.

In fact, many organisations in LGPS may have assets exceeding liabilities on an accounting measure and, for the first time in a while, will be looking at whether a balance sheet pensions surplus can be recognised.

For housing associations in the Social Housing Pension Scheme (SHPS), the reduction is likely to be smaller as investment hedging strategies will have dampened the net effect of rising bond yields..."

Read more

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Industrial action agreed in Imperial College Greater London - tomorrow


To Branch Committee at UNISON Imperial College branch,

The Regional Convenor team have been updated on the successful ballot result and strike action planned by your members over pay starting tomorrow.

 As the cost-of-living crisis worsens, particularly in London, we support you in your fight for an improved pay offer and send our solidarity and support to you and your members taking action to address this.

With best wishes for a successful outcome for your members. 

Sent on behalf of Yvonne Green, Regional Convenor and the Regional Council Officers

UNISON Greater London Region

(Picket line at main Imperial College entrance on Exhibition Road, South Ken between 8.45-9.15am (and other entrances. Action will be 28, 29 & 30 June this week and then 6 & 7 July the week after).

Picture from action in Nov 22

Monday, June 26, 2023

"Vulnerable children will be affected if adoption agency staff lose jobs, says UNISON"

Check out UNISON press release below but this dreadful story is even worse than it appears since Coram is refusing to recognise UNISON and refusing to meet our organisers? Why on earth are they refusing to recognise the UN recognised human rights of their staff to Union protection and collective bargaining? I will be checking with Newham Council but why should any any local authority have anything to do with such an employer? 

I will be bringing up Coram at the UNISON Community Service Group Executive next week. 

"Twenty social workers who deal with adoptions are facing redundancy after their employer Coram announced staff cuts, says UNISON today (Tuesday)

The job losses will have a detrimental impact on vulnerable children who need new homes and the families who need support both during and after the adoption process, the union says.

Staff at the adoption agency likely to be affected by the cuts perform critical roles. They include placing children with complex needs, and those with a background of neglect or abuse, with new families.

UNISON London regional organiser Ezequiel Kramer said: “Cutting jobs for social workers reduces the support available for some of the most vulnerable children in society, as well as the families who can give them a new start in life.

“It’s also a cruel blow to dedicated staff who face losing the jobs they love in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis.

“Coram has the resources to avoid these cuts. It can and should do better. The agency must work with the union to find ways to avoid these redundancies.”


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Out and about for Labour in Uxbridge & South Ruislip - Danny Beales


Today I joined UNISON and Labour union colleagues to canvass for Labour in the Uxbridge & South Ruislip by election. A certain Boris Johnson has stood down as the MP for the area (for reasons everyone is aware). 

The Labour candidate, Danny Beales, is a UNISON member (and was nominated as a PPC by UNISON Greater London Labour Link). 

It was very hot (31C) and one member fainted as we were given a briefing outside Uxbridge station but there was a moderate breeze. I was able to meet Danny briefly for the first time - face to face. 

In my canvass team, we went to St Andrews Park which is a new development built on the site of a former RAF Battle of Britain airfield. My very first doorknock did not go "well" due to concerns about ULEZ (emissions charge) but after that, the results for Labour were pretty good but many residents were out.

My response on ULEZ is always based on remarks by a UNISON colleague who is a London Ambulance Service Paramedic. He lives in the countryside outside the London where emergency child admissions into hospital for asthma and other breathing difficulties are rare but at work in central London it is incredibly common. 

After the canvass some of us retreated to the Three Tuns Pub to share campaign stories, gossip and put the world to rights. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Out and about for Labour in Boleyn


This morning after my West Ham ward Councillor surgery, I cycled over and joined Labour colleagues in Boleyn ward to deliver Direct messages to local residents. I missed the local MP, Sir Stephen Timms who had been with teams earlier but did join the Mayor, Candidate Sofia Patel and local Councillors and activists, walking up and down stairs delivering these messages. 

Most of the activity took place at the site of the Old West Ham FC stadium. The picture top right is I think where the centre of the pitch used to be.

It was pretty hot and a real treat to finish this session with ice cream! 

Out and about for Labour in Wall End

Yesterday evening I was delivering leaflets and direct messages with my Councillor and trade union colleague, Zuber Gulamussen. He works in the railways and is about to start further strike action over pay in the coming weeks. 

I have not campaigned in this part of Newham before and was impressed by the many beautiful front gardens. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Neil Guild - Labour Candidate for Somerton and Frome By Election 2023

Congratulations to Neil Guild, our UNISON Regional Convenor for the South West, who has been selected by Labour to be the candidate in the Somerton and Frome By Election.

I have known Neil for a number of years and last week I sat next to him, at UNISON National Delegate Conference, since we were both delegates for our regions. 

Neil is a senior UNISON lay representative and served our country as a soldier on active duty. He is also a sensible, principled but pragmatic, all round nice guy, who will make a brilliant MP. 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Windrush 75th anniversary - London UNISON & Newham


This evening I attended two events remembering and celebrating the 75th anniversary of the ship, Empress Windrush, docking at Tilbury Port, Essex  in 1948 with several hundred West Indian migrants, who came to the "motherland" in order to fill job vacancies and rebuild the UK after 6 years of Total War with Germany and Japan. 

At the UNISON HQ centre in Euston Road, our National Officer for Equalities, Gloria Mills gave a moving and personal account of her own family, who faced terrible racism, exploitation and discrimination (landlord signs saying "No Dogs, No Blacks and No Irish").  

Hackney Deputy Mayor, Anntoinette Bramble, (and UNISON LGA branch equalities officer) gave a passionate speech about how black workers must always fight for their rights and for justice in their workplace. 

Next were a series of award for union members who had distinguished themselves and I was pleased that Newham Council Branch secretary, Gloria Hanson was recognised and given an award.  

After this I went to the Old Town Hall in Stratford, for the Newham celebration. I missed the main event but was able to chat to people and also admire the black and white photo exhibition of the "Windrush" generation entering the UK. The main Newham Council celebration of Windrush will be on Saturday. 

Pen-blwydd hapus Shabs!

Happy 50th birthday to my good comrade, Cllr Shabab Mohammed, Cabinet lead for Housing Management. Enjoy your well deserved break! 


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

UNISON Labour Link & Labour Unions supporting Danny Beales for Uxbridge & South Ruislip By Election


This Sunday 25 June UNISON Labour Link and London Labour Unions are out supporting Danny Beales (UNISON member and was nominated as a PPC by London Labour Link) and his team in the important Uxbridge & South Ruislip by election. This of course follows the resignation of its previous MP, a certain Boris Johnson. 

No matter how bad the fall out for the tories from the "resignation" (or rather the jump before the evitable push) of Boris, no one can take anything for granted. So all union members are asked to turn up outside Uxbridge Underground station at 12.40 on Sunday to be briefed and ready to start the 1pm campaign session. 

Check out more about Danny and how to get involved

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Country Walking: Harlestone, Northamptonshire walk

On way back from Wales yesterday, Gill and I broke the journey by stopping off for this 4.71 mile circular walk on the OS site (pay wall) via Country Walking magazine. 

A fantastic walk, we have never been to this part of the world before and were amazed at the scenery and the beautiful, historic villages and hamlets. 

The weather was warm but no thunder or rain which had been forecast as possible. We stopped for coffee in the forest which turned out to be a mega ants nest, which was not a good idea. 

I enjoy driving up to a point but long car journeys are really boring. Breaking up a journey with a 4-5 mile walk is a great way to sneak in another walk during a weekend away and a chance to explore somewhere you might have otherwise never planned to visit. We will be back. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Turning Nazi V2 Rocket sites into Wild Flowers Memorial


Many thanks to Cllr Asser, Cabinet member for Environment, for getting the impact site of a West Ham ward Nazi V2 Rocket attack on 1 Feb 1945, turned into a beautiful wild flowers memorial. 29 Residents were killed that night and many more injured. 

Every time I go past this site (Now called Marriot Road after a local Firefighter also killed in that war by enemy action) I now think of similar attacks by our modern day Nazi, Vladimir Putin,on the people of Ukraine. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Fathers Day 2023

Today is always a little difficult for me (and no doubt my sisters Helen and Lucy) despite it being over 21 years since we lost our father, John Gray, in 2002. 

Picture from his Labour Party election leaflet for Buckley Town Council in late 1950's.

But I do get great joy at all my family and friends who genuinely celebrate or remember their Fathers on this day. 

Nuf said.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

UNISON National Delegate Conference 2023: Day 4


Final Day of Conference (Friday). It started with an informal meeting with shadow minister for mental health, Rosena Allin-Khan MP with Greater London UNISON delegates. Who shared with Rosena unison issues and successes in health, LAS, Police & Justice and Housing Associations. Rosena spoke later to conference on Labour's vision to deal with the mental health crisis. I then had to leave conference to attend a family funeral in North Wales. 

So the pictures in college above are taken from the Greater London UNISON twitter account and National UNISON webpage of the day. So I missed the awarding of honorary life membership to Dr Neville  Lawrence, my fellow Regional Rep, Yvonne Green, moving the composite on the Cost of Living Crisis and our regional Black delegates (and 2 from my branch) speaking on motion 52 celebrating the "Year of Black Worker 2023".  

I came back to conference just as it closed. This meant that I my 2 year term of office as a elected member of the UNISON National Executive Council (NEC) for Community (Housing Associations & Voluntary sector) had begun. I had served previously in this role 2011-2021.

We had our first meeting at 4.30pm to elect the lay Presidential 2023/24 team and although the candidates I preferred were not selected on this occasion, congratulations to Libby, Steve and Julia. It was very, very close, 35 votes to 32 (and 34 to 33 for the junior Vice President position).  

I echo the very wise words of our General Secretary, Christina MAnea at the close of the meeting that the NEC must put aside its differences and move on together in the interests of the Union and to represent all those who elected us. Let us see what happens next. 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

UNISON National Delegate Conference 2023- Day 3

Today (Thursday) I still have "conference lurgy" so skipped the morning run again. Another glorious blue sky day. Nice to have a name check in the Morning Star from yesterday's debate "the NEC shouldn't go off and be a lone ranger" and picture of my Community NEC colleague Denise Thomas. 

As regional delegates ,Yvonne and I spent most of the morning collecting and then collating reprioritisation forms from branch delegates. Long story short, branches had the chance to nominate 6 motions that they would like to be debated on Friday afternoon. Sounds simple but pretty complicated in practice and time consuming. 

It was good to see that Conference voted to extend the age range of young members to 30 (well done our former HAB branch manager Josephine, now national officer for young members). 

During lunch break I went to a interesting fringe "on the future of Local Government" with guest speakers, Alex Norris MP and PCC Kim McGuiness. I did my usual warning about "watch out, Michael Gove in on manoeuvres" and he is after the Local Government Pension scheme in order to fund his Levelling up ambitions. 

The debate of the day was the very last, motion 84, which many delegates considered to be a ill thought out money grab of branch funds by a discredited outgoing NEC. Other speakers thought it was much worse than that. However, it did have supporters and also enjoyed the President allowing some pretty blatant abuse of protocol by speakers on a technical amendment to 84 and finally an outrageous disregard of a very clear vote by delegates against the motion in favour of an immediate card vote. We should find out the result of the card vote tomorrow. 

Afterwards, some of us went to recover in the nearby Baltic Fleet Pub then I joined branch and other London delegates for a Cosmo meal during which we tried to work out how much it would cost the union in strike pay if Local Government goes out on strike. £10 million per day was our lowest estimate. Which pretty much means that even if 84 is passed, then there still won't be enough money to fund effective strike action.  

UNISON NDC 23 - Labour Link Fringe with Angela Rayner MP & Christina McAnea

 There was a great fringe yesterday evening by UNISON Labour Link with former activist Angela Rayner turned MP and our General Secretary Christina McAnea (chaired by National Labour Link lead, Linda Hobson). 

Angela was on form with a confident, at times funny but completely persuasive political message of hope and then Q & A that if Labour wins power in the next General election (not a given) that it will transform our country and its people for the better. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

UNISON National Delegate Conference 2023: Day 2 - Industrial Action Ballots: Composite D debate

Today I moved a composite motion on behalf of London and Eastern region, Private Contractors, North Northamptonshire LG & Newcastle Hospitals. 

The current NEC opposed the motion (despite previously supporting it) for in my view, pretty bizzare and self defeating reasons. However, the motion was defeated (notwithstanding some poor chairing of the debate). 

It was however, mostly a good debate, apart from some abusive remarks by a disaffected health delegate. Many thanks to the many delegates who spoke in favour. Below is my speech but to firstly sum up my right to reply to the debate:- 

I suggested that the real elephant in the room is that because of a lack of trust and confidence in the current NEC by key stakeholders across the union, we will have a barrier to wining future disputes until this changes. Obviously the NEC will change significantly on Friday due to the recent elections. 

"Conference, President, John Gray, Greater London Regional rep and about to become a newly elected NEC member for Community on Friday. Moving Composite D on Industrial Action Ballots.

Conference, all of us here are very proud of our members and branches who have taken industrial action in the past 12 months, despite Tory anti-trade union laws.

Conference, this is nothing new in our Labour movement history. Time and time again, Tory governments have passed anti-trade union laws to stop us defending our members. That is why the unions formed the Labour Party, in order to obtain legal protections, this is why I am looking forward this evening at 5.15pm, to welcome home the deputy Labour Leader, Angela Rayner MP, who will no doubt be speaking about the radical Labour plans for extending employment rights if they win power.

So we should thank activists, branches, convenor teams, service groups, SOGs and our staff for not only their hard work in delivering positive ballot results but also for using a combination of traditional methods such as face to face conversations but also using and developing new, different and innovative learning and practices.

We need to know how, post pandemic, with more workers working from home, branches were able to organise successful ballots and use home working tech to their advantage. This is the new era of trade unionism and we must be moving forward together.

During the recent ballots in health and HE, new technology such as peer to peer text messaging and online phone canvassing, made a huge difference, reaching members we would never be able to reach before. With branches like our own LAS in London, and NHS branches across the country, leading the way.

What to me is also really interesting about what happened is those branches that failed to get the 50% in the first ballot but who persevered and went on to organise a successful 2nd ballot and I look forward to hearing from some speakers during this debate who will tell their story and talk about how they learnt from their first ballot - because these are the lessons we must learn.

Conference, we need to support a motion that seeks to hear as many voices as possible, as our union seeks to rise to the challenge on beating the 50% threshold.

So what this composite calls for is for the NEC, to urgently, repeat urgently, gets a report on evaluating this new technology and how we can use it more widely in future organising and campaigning. This isn’t about working harder- it’s about working smarter.

But we must ensure that in this urgent review no one gets left behind, that regardless of which service group, self-organised groups, region or devolved nation, outsourced or community employer you are part of- everyone is heard.

Right now, everyone across the union has a view or an opinion of what works well and what doesn’t - we need to capture all of this, the NEC must look at the evidence before making decisions- checking out, for example, if virtual briefings or even modular learning can help “get the vote out” - or if we’re better off focussing on ground war techniques, we need to examine the evidence first to find out.

To me personally, the key outcome of this composite is that the NEC doesn’t go off and become a lone ranger on this crucial issue as it would be a wasted opportunity. Instead it involves and empowers, regions, service groups, self-organised groups and the NEC to come up with a collective response. It should urgently organise a review group involving all these absolutely key players. It does not impose its views but facilitate inclusivity. It is an absolutely cornerstone of our movement that “Collective is Best”.

This review can evaluate and quickly recommend next steps, look at what also works outside UNISON and learn, looking at it all in the round. We need to find out how to increase member participation nationally and regionally and again, Conference this work should begin as a matter of the upmost urgency. Anything else is just a distraction.

Finally conference, I have a personal stake in this. We are in dispute with my employer, Clarion Housing Group, over pay and pensions and are about to ballot for the first time ever on industrial action. It is going to be difficult not least because out of the 4000 staff only a handful of us at best have any experience of taking industrial action.

So conference please support this composite, let’s work together, lets learn, lets evaluate collectively and then come out fighting for our just demands. Conference, I move"

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

UNISON National Delegate Conference 2023: Tuesday - Day 1


This morning I went for a early morning run (aka slow jog) west of the Mersey then was in the Conference centre for the first day of National Delegate Conference, as one of the two London regional delegates with Yvonne Green.

There was a bit of confusion with where our delegates had to sit since one row of seats had been double booked with East Midland region so we had to move everyone back one row which caused some confusion and upset but was taken in general in good grace. These things happen. 

We had the informal Greater London lunch for new and/or lone delegates which I thought went really well. UNISON conferences are a bit weird for new activists (and to be honest - old and new!) so this is a great opportunity to chat with new/sole members about conference. 

I had a dreadful waste of time trying to get my printer to work with my phone to enable delegates to print their speeches. Hopefully this will be sorted due to my HAB delegate colleague (and IT expert) Joseph Ogundemuren.

After close of conference I went to chemist for Covid  test kit since felt pretty rough but it was negative, so just an early case of the normal "Conference flu" I think.  Spent the evening writing my speech for composite D on industrial action ballots. 

Monday, June 12, 2023

UNISON National Delegate Conference 2023: Monday

I arrived yesterday to attend the National briefing for all Regional delegates by the General Secretary. Afterwards I went for a meal with fellow delegates, most of whom were fellow Labour Link activists. This morning I went for my early morning run in Liverpool along the River Mersey to say hello to the Beatles and the Liver birds. 

Then there was a rather full on work day with virtual meetings, emails and calls, as I was trying to clear pressing work and union issues, since I will be off from tomorrow until next week. 

In the evening I took part in the UNISON Greater London NDC delegate briefing in a local hotel as a regional delegate with Yvonne Green (the other delegate) and Regional Secretary, Jo Galloway. London has one of the largest delegations at conference and we briefed our delegates on role of Regional delegates, standing order committee reports, card votes, regional motions, events, fringes and "the snake" (more to follow). 

Afterward, some of our branch delegates (and Yvonne and her sister) went for a tasty chinese meal (and avoided the rain and thunderstorms). 

National Delegate Conference starts proper tomorrow at 10am. Yvonne and I will be there from 9.15am to hopefully get ready and prepared for the beginning of conference mayhem.  


Sunday, June 11, 2023

UNISON National Delegates Conference 2023: Regional Delegates Briefing

Today I went to Liverpool in advance of our UNISON National Delegate Conference (NDC) for a briefing as a regional delegate. Yvonne Green and I were elected at our AGM to be the Greater London regional delegates at conference, supporting our delegates at NDC and representing the region. 

UNISON is the largest union in the UK with 1.3 million members. At the briefing today we were told that there will be some 600 plus branches represented at NDC and 1277 delegates (as well as several hundred visitors and exhibitors). 905 delegates are female (as fitting a union made up of predominantly female members), 149 low paid and 132 define themselves as black. 

There will be 30 fringes during NDC. You can find your regional delegates on the side of the main conference debating hall. Our Greater London regional briefing will be tomorrow evening where Jo, the Regional Secretary,  Yvonne and I will brief delegates and answer any questions or queries. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Meet at West Ham Champions Statute

This morning I joined our Labour candidate, Sofia Patel and her team at the "Champions Statute. This was the starting point of the West Ham FC victory tour on Thursday following their celebration parade upon winning the Eurora Conference League cup.  Well done to West Ham and the many, many thousands of fans who turned out that day to celebrate their fantastic victory. 

This morning there was another successful canvass and lots of good conversations with local residents about problems and possible solutions. Whenever a local resident wanted to speak to our candidate, Sofia Patel (who lives in the ward and was born and brought up in Newham) she would run over to see them and listen then talk. A somewhat rare and very welcome attribute in politics in my experience.  

It was definitely the hottest day of the year so far. Afterwards we went to the famous Boleyn Pub for coffee, water, soft drinks and snacks. I had to leave early to get ready for the prelims of the UNISON National conference tomorrow in Liverpool. I will soon be back to support Sofia and Stephanie in Wall End

Friday, June 09, 2023



Check out this report

Warning organisations what could happen if they force people to work in offices rather than at home. Obviously there needs to be a balance but yesterday travelling home from a training session during rush hour in central London was a dreadful experience. 

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Re-elected to UNISON National Executive Council (NEC) 2023-25

This morning the biannual UNISON NEC election results were announced and I was pleased that both Denise Thomas and I were elected (after a one term 2 year gap) representing (Community Service Group) all Housing Association and Charity UNISON members.  

Respect to my tfrc opponent for my seat, Kevin Jackson, who has acted well in this contest, unlike in my view, many members of the the slate he endorsed  (1677 vote for me to 1539 for him)

This photo is from the Community Service Group Conference held last year in Glasgow, when there was a series of walkouts at the conference of delegates, disgusted that the tfrc President was chairing despite the well known complaints against him by numerous unison female members of bullying.  

He has now gone from the current UNISON NEC. I believe after these elections that the next NEC will be more balanced and will reflect (what we use to call all the time and still should) rank and file UNISON members.

In the meanwhile there is a serious dispute with my employer over pay claim, closing Defined Benefit pensions and trade union victimisation. Today I have been in touch with two senior elected metropolitan Council representatives about this dispute, who are horrified about what is being done. More to follow. . 

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

A Leader Called Keir

"A brilliant video from our President, Richard Leonard MSP"

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Clarion Housing Group - June Pensions and Pay update - strike ballots over breaking #pension promises and poverty pay


Hat tip

Dear Member,
On Thursday last week Clarion confirmed that they intend to go ahead and close the Clarion legacy defined benefit pension schemes (not the Standard Life stakeholder fund most staff are members of) and therefore wreck the futures of around 250 long serving members of staff as well as break promises made to those staff and to important external stakeholders. They are also intending to bring about these changes by “fire and rehire”.
On Friday, Clarion UNISON reps met with our full time UNISON official to decide next steps on Pensions and Pay. It was decided to organise an indicative strike ballot for all members impacted by the pension closes as well as start up a campaign to save their pensions.
A Teams meeting has been arranged for Wednesday 7 June at 1pm for UNISON members. Another open meeting for all staff impacted will be held on Friday (details will be emailed directly to affected members).
Also, the meeting on Friday indicated that Clarion are not budging over pay despite UNISON making concessions and compromising so we will be moving to hold an official postal ballot on industrial action over the pay cuts all of us are suffering from due to a significantly below inflation pay imposition (5% or £2k).
There is much to do before we can hold a legal ballot on industrial action. We have to firstly make sure that all members’ home postal addresses are correct. We also need to hold meetings with members (and non-members) explaining “what is industrial action”, “does UNISON pay strike pay” , “is my job safe if I strike” etc. We will be producing guides and FAQs.
We also need to start to escalate into an industrial action ballot by firstly starting a campaign of events while we check postal addresses and inform members about what the process is.
In the meanwhile, go to MyUNISON and set up your admin account with UNISON (you will need your membership number which is at the bottom of this email) and check that your postal address, email and telephone number is correct. Send us an email when you have checked this and they have the right postal address to
Please feel free to share this to any non-members who may be interested and encourage them to join UNISON so they can take part in the ballot. They can find further information and sign up here.
For these campaigns on pay and pensions to succeed, we need more members to become reps and workplace contacts (sign-posting staff interested in joining). If you want to get more involved in UNISON then email us at
Final thought – UNISON has made it very, very clear to Clarion management that we do not want disputes with our employers, we want solutions. If Clarion wants a meaningful conversation about resolving these issues then we will talk anytime, anywhere.
John Gray
Clarion UNISON Convenor
Safety Rep & Pensions Champion
Join UNISON 24/7 via
Join the Teams meeting at 1pm Weds 7 June

Monday, June 05, 2023

Newham Voices June 2023: The Black Lion in "Something Brewing"


I enjoyed reading the latest version of the free community newspaper "Newham Voices" over the weekend. The historic Black Lion pub in Plaistow is one of my top 5 favourite pubs in Newham. 

It definitely has character and a great beer garden. The service and food is good and there is usually a fresh seafood stall in the car park during busy times. A regular post Labour Party meeting/canvass refreshment point. Many happy memories, some great political discussions and very occasionally, the odd stand up row! 

Sunday, June 04, 2023

Howe Street & Great Waltham, Essex Country walk


Gill and I went for this lovely 6.5 mile circular walk on Monday in Essex about 1 hour drive from East London. A fairly easy walk at this time of the year since it was pretty flat, cool, sunny and lush. Essex looking at its best and comparatively quiet. 

The grave stones bottom right are of the dogs from the local Stately home (bottom left). Mostly much loved Labs. 

I found the route on my favourite Ordnance Survey app (paid) and downloaded to my smartphone. 

Saturday, June 03, 2023

On the knocker for Sofia Patel in Boleyn


This morning after my Councillor surgery in West Ham, I cycled over to the Champions Statute in Boleyn ward. There I joined the canvass team supporting our excellent candidate, Sofia Patel, who was born and brought up in Newham and lives in the ward. 

It was a really positive canvass and Sofia was brilliant at listening to residents and showing how she is keen to help and support them. I had some really interesting conversations with residents including one who are Labour doorstep app identified as being "Against" Labour the last time we had spoken to him a few years ago. 

He told me that he was a lifelong Conservative voter who was now undecided for the first time ever. We had a "grown up" conversation about politics and the current state of the country. He was clearly embarrassed and frustrated at the antics of recent Tory leaders. I think we both agreed that the present government had been in power for 13 long years and it is time for a change. He still hadn't made up his mind but I think (and hope) he will take the plunge and at least "lend us" his vote. 

Apart from that, my canvass returns were very solid. The online Labour doorstep app is a fantastic canvassing tool and you know who is on the electoral role and you can enter information instantly. No more soggy, unclear canvass sheets which are never inputted. 

I will be going back to Boleyn but I will be also supporting Stephanie, who is standing for Labour in our other by election in Wall End ward. 

Friday, June 02, 2023

"Labour Pension Plan will bring Relief and Happiness" 1937

Hat tip @LondonNurse2015. I do not know what this Labour Pension Plan was in 1937. I am sure it was good at the time. Anyone know? What posters should there be about Labour Pension Promises for next general election. I have some views. 


Thursday, June 01, 2023

Shared ownership can become ‘financially unsustainable’ for buyers over time, report warns


"Shared ownership risks becoming “financially unsustainable” for lower-income buyers over time due to its “upward-only” costs and a system that requires them to buy as much as they can afford at the outset, a new report has warned" (Inside Housing subscription).

This is a wake up call. For many people shared ownership is the only way they can enter the owner housing market but it is not without risk and not an answer to the wider affordable housing crisis.