Sunday, May 04, 2008

Don’t Panic - Organise and Change.

Okay, by now the awful realisation that Boris is the elected Mayor of London, the BNP have a seat on the Assembly and also that the Labour Party nationally lost hundreds of seats last Thursday has sunk in and it was not just some horrible nightmare.

While I think that the Party needs to recognise that it was well beaten on Thursday, I think we need to stand back a little and think things through before we do anything too daft. Things do need to change. But we need to recognise that it was not that long ago that Labour was ahead in the polls, Gordon walked on water and Cameron was facing plots against his leadership. How things change. Such is politics.

The Tories are trying to recapture the centre ground. In London and elsewhere we need to find a way of drawing back those voters who backed Boris while re-engaging with that core Labour vote who just either didn’t vote or instead voted for extremists. The 10p income tax debacle, below inflation public sector pay and the failure to protect agency workers are to my mind fairly obvious home goals. There is also the issue that the Tory machine appears to be able to organise a higher turnout in the suburbs of their supporters than we can. If we could have matched their turnout in the inner city what would have been the result?

I think that one of the positive things about the modern day Labour Party and Government is that it is interested in retaining power. It will gauge its strengths and weaknesses and is rightly willing to change tactics and policies to keep itself in government. Okay, we might have taken a nasty beating and change is difficult. We need not only to listen but to act. However, it will be a difficult balancing trick since we must not jettison everything. While we need to retain a mixed economy there does need to be a different emphasis. The goal of social justice must be an objective not just an aspiration. The present day threat from of a "One Nation" Cameron Britain, will surely push this process. However, we must not panic and let them dictate the path we must take.


Charlie Marks said...

That Boris has not quit his job as MP points to the possibility of him using the mayoralty in a bid for Tory leadership. So there's hope that he'll either fuck it up for Cameron by being a total failure or by being a success. (I truly am the eternal optimist!)

At present John, we don't have a mixed economy - there are no nationalised industries. Oh, there's Nothern Rock... doesn't really count though, does it?

I doubt that Brown will change much on issues of social justice. Ken 4 Leader, anyone?

ian said...

Hi John

Brown has to go, the new labour philosophy has to be ditched to win the next election, we need to win back working class votes, we need to be seen to visibly tackle class inequality whether it be in the work place or in the city and we need to reconstruct our party to be fit for purpose to fight the next election.Blimey, I could go on

In the 80s/90s it was argued that left wing politics/policies loses votes; well now its moderate/new labour policies that loses us votes.

Down here in Southampton the Tories rule with a thumping majority yet on the basis of 35% actually turning out to vote.At that rate come the election we lose our two Labour MPs.

Im not panicking!!!


Anonymous said...

MAYDAY,MAYDAY we are sinking MAYDAY,we are going under,MAYDAY,MAYDAY,blub,blub,blub.Bye,Bye Liebour.

John Gray said...

Hi Charlie
It would appear that Tory central office is imposing advisors on Boris who will actually do all the work and leave him to play Mayor. I doubt that he would be a threat to his old mucker Cameron.

The public sector is pretty big in the economy. There is also Network Rail and the Post Office (for now).

I think that Brown will change, not least because he will have no choice.

After all the rubbish and abuse heaped on Ken I doubt he has the stomach for such a thing anymore. Who would blame him? I don’t think we have heard the last of him mind.

John Gray said...

Hi Ian
Yes and No – Brown is going nowhere soon. If he was to go I doubt you would like his replacement any better. The working class vote even if it was solid, is not enough to win elections.

I am pretty convinced that the perception that Labour has lost its mantel for economic competency is a major reason for the recent lack of support.

“Moderate” or Centre policies are election winners as the Tories have just proved. Sierra Man (or rather Galaxy Person?) has gone home to Cameron – for now. I don’t think that we are currently seeing the true Tory Party and hopefully it is just a matter of time before it starts to revert to form.

We do need to motivate our key supporters and you are right that we need to visibly tackle class inequality. This is not just left wing politics but should be the policy of all progressives.

Ironically you need someone like Brown to deliver a more radical agenda. Anyone to “the left” wouldn’t stand a chance.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
Remember the song "Things can only get better"? I'm playing it now!

Anonymous said...

You need a person with breeding to rule London

Oysters and champayne on election night
is just the start

and you lot can pay

One Toff in another on the way

just how it should be

ian said...

Dont see eye to eye with you on that one John. Very 1997 comment not 2008.
Good article in todays Guardian will give you a better understanding of the working class and why we shouldnt ignore them.


Anonymous said...

I'm just listening to Those were the days my freind,followed by lying eyes. You can't hide your lying eyes,and your smile..........

Borges said...

Excellent post. I think that as people see what an idiot Boris is, and that knife detectors on the Tube etc. aren't going to make them any safer (especially considering crime in London is down) or their city is any better, they will realise that they have made a mistake. As for the loses in the North and Wales, it's shameful that in such Labour heartlands there was such disillusionment, but that just shows the need for a strong progressive agenda, get back to Labour's roots.

John Gray said...

Hi Ian
Actually I think the Guardian article is spot on about what we need to do (even if it is in typically Guardian columnist sneering mode). It is not a question of ignoring them it’s about how to change things. To do so we firstly need political power. This is 1906, 1924, 1929, 1945, 1964, 1974 etc comment.

Hi Abdul-Rahim
Thanks for that but we under estimate Boris at our peril.

Hi Anons
Keep up the day job!

Anonymous said...

I think you were looking for, don't give up your day job,(on less wages because of cheap immigrant labour).Anyway is you and your labour mates who will be looking for a new job,seen the polls lately?MAYDAY,MAYDAY,OH SOD IT, WE ARE FINISHED.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
Down but not out, everything still to play for!